December 24th, 2010


[No Subject]



More and more the world is hearing about them. Those that are different. The mutants. The metahumans. The freaks. While some are embraced as heroes like the Fantastic Four, others are still seen as a threat, like the Brotherhood, and yes even the X Men. The government has long had a hand in the control and experimentation of meta humans and mutants, now they too have come out into the open. S.H.I.E.L.D. has come to the forefront of both protection against those with special abilities and powers, and seemingly for those same people. After the incident at Alkali Lake and the Silver Surfer, there is no denying the presence of those different then us. Now with the surprise discovery of one of America's heroes survived frozen by Stark Enterprises, a new team is formed. The Avengers. Working in conjunction with S.H.I.E.L.D. they are the bright example that there is hope for coexistence.

Rules // Canon
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

***Game Opens With 10 Apps***



[No Subject]


musingsmods | musings | musingslogs | musingsooc | musingssquee

Musings has always existed, a world alongside our world.

In Musings, people live the way we do, eat the same food we do, love the same way we do, and work the same minimum wage jobs we do. The differences? They all have their roots in fictional characters, and they are immortal.

Though they are not the characters themselves, they carry in them the essences of characters from fiction. The sources that they spring from do not exist for them, but they are based on fiction we are familiar with all the same - though no one has ever read a Batman comic, there is a rich young man who uses his money to fight the forces of evil that destroyed his life. Though Moby Dick was never written, a sailor still stalks the bars of a town on the sea, watching, waiting.

Now, a portal has opened between the world of Musings and the mortal world, and the Creations (as they call themselves) have begun crossing over in droves. Now, they have abilities that they did not have in their own world, abilities that they can choose to do with what they will. There is no great prescribed fate for these echoes of fiction, only the destinies they choose to weave for themselves - living and losing on the shores of a new world.

Most Wanted: Buzz Lightyear and Woody (Toy Story), Night Owl II (Watchmen), Jane Bennet and Wickham (Pride and Prejudice), Raphael, Leonardo, Donatello (Teenage Mutant Turtles), Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones), Sebastian (Twelfth Night).

To contact the game mods:


are you a swot?

Voldemort was dead and life went on. Students who had spent the last year fighting for their lives suddenly found themselves in a world with limitless possibility, capable of finding new direction and new purpose. There were job interviews to go on and bills to pay. Funerals and first dates. Second dates. Weddings. Children. Twenty-eight years later, a new generation of students will be boarding the Hogwarts Express- the children of war heroes and villains alike. With the Second War safely behind them in their History of Magic textbooks, these students find themselves blessed with the opportunity to live normal lives as normal teenagers, focused on Hogsmeade weekends, school events and N.E.W.T. exams and faced with the choice to either put the past behind them or settle for living in the shadow of their parents. Adolescence is challenging enough, a time of increasing independence and creative exploration. As these teenagers prepare for their last years at Hogwarts, will they step out as individuals -- away from their parents' pasts -- or will lingering prejudices continue to affect social order?

SWOTTING is a next-gen, canon-compliant RPG focused on character development, interpersonal relationships and providing a realistic school experience at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.