December 5th, 2010


[No Subject]


Catham Island


Welcome to Chatham Island

Job Postings
Drop Box
Chatham Island is a fictional Island found in Puget Sound in Washington State. Known for its small town feel and summer tourism, Chatham is a rarity in this day and age. The town boasts a local population of over 1,000 residents, and hosts almost 4,000 tourists in the summer--all who come to enjoy the beautiful resorts on the island, the stunning ocean tours, and the history and culture of the beautiful Northwest.

The residents are a mix of Chatham natives who have lived and worked on or around the island their entire lives, and those who want the big city job but don't mind a commute for discounted rents and the safe, small town life. Because the island is only a 30 minute ferry ride to cities like Seattle, the best of both worlds is available for the residents of Chatham island--so long as they don't mind the draw backs of a small town. For all its charm, sometimes the residents of Chatham seem to know a little too much about one another. There's rumors, gossip, and scandal--some of it true, some just created out of boredom. After all, what town would be complete without a little drama amongst neighbors?


Divergence RPG!


You've had a long day. You're tired.
All you want to do is go home and go to bed.

As you reach your room, you notice something strange on the nightstand. A softly glowing orb, swirling in hues of blue and purple. It is mesmerizing. Hypnotizing. You can't help but reach out and touch it. As your hand connects with its smooth surface, you hear a chorus of voices in your head, saying:

"You are a divergence. This life, this reality, is not meant to be.
We have weighed all options, and you can no longer exist here.
But do not fear. We are in need of you.
You must come with us.
Do not fear."

As the voices fade, you are bathed in a bright light, the overwhelming feeling of falling from a great height takes over. You're weightless. Floating. It seems like hours pass, but it has been only seconds. As the light fades, you come to in a bedroom not unlike your own, in a small apartment. Beyond the doors you will find the Facility. This is your new life...

Game Info/Rules | Characters | Application | Game | The Facility

Welcome to Divergence, an alternate universe RPG. All characters here deviate from their original canon in one form or another. Your character has been plucked from their reality by omnipotent, energy-based alien lifeforms, and placed in the Facility. They will all have jobs, and be asked to go on missions for these aliens to strange and distant worlds. Some people will welcome the change, others will fight against it. But either way, you're stuck here...



[No Subject]

Unforgiven : An AU Harry Potter game

August, 2000.

The year is 2000. Voldemort has won; the Order has fallen and Harry Potter is dead. Those who followed him are imprisoned, enslaved to trusted servants of the new regime, or dead.

The Dark Lord Prevails. Voldemorts plan for a bigger, better, Purer world involves the next generation and their offspring. The Arranged Marriage Programme has only recently been announced and Young Death Eaters will be rewarded for their work in the Battles with a new wife and the guarantee of a pure generation.

This is the dawn of a new age, where the Pure have reclaimed their world and the filth of the magical community are put in their place. Defy it at your own peril.

Come join Unforgiven, a Harry Potter AU roleplay looking for players !

Game began August 20th. Apply now!



[No Subject]


Welcome to Paradise...

Premise | Rules | Taken Characters | Held Characters | Wanted Characters
Application | Room Assignments | Player Contact | FAQs

Network | Logs | Communications | OOC

On an island somewhere in the Bermuda triangle, you wake up, confused, in a luxury beach resort. A suitcase of your clothes by the bed, which you don’t remember packing. As you inspect the suite, you find a brand new laptop and blackberry on the coffee table. A note sits on top of the laptop and simply reads:

Welcome to Paradise.


Questions run through your mind rapidly. Where are you? How did you get here? Why are you here? Who did this to you? And most importantly...

Where do you go from here?

[Triangle Initiative is a Panfandom Game Updated and Expanded Upon from an old LJ Game]