Posts Tagged: 'location:+scotland:+hogwarts'

Jul. 6th, 2023




Jun. 30th, 2023



Leaving Feast
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go So make the best of this test, and don't ask why It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

WARNINGS: Label as you go. | Join In!
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Jun. 29th, 2023



As we go on, we remember All the times we had together And as our lives change, come whatever We will still be friends forever.

WARNINGS: Label as you go. | Join In!
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Jun. 5th, 2023



Quiet Contemplations
WHO Florence James and Oliver Bones. WHERE Astronomy Tower.
WHEN June 5th.
RATING E for Emotions. | Thoughts about the future
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Apr. 22nd, 2023






As the time for the highly anticipated match between Slytherin and Gryffindor approached, the Quidditch Pitch began to practically vibrate with excitement and anticipation as fans began to slowly filter in.

Slytherin, known for their cunning and ambition, determined to maintain their winning streak and continue their dominance on the Quidditch field. Led by their fearless captain, they have been practicing tirelessly, honing their skills and strategizing every move to ensure victory.

But Gryffindor, with their brave and daring nature, are not ones to be underestimated. They have been working just as hard, determined to prove that they are a force to be reckoned with. With their talented players and a passionate fanbase cheering them on, they are ready to give Slytherin a run for their money.

Who will emerge victorious in this fierce competition between Slytherin and Gryffindor? Only time will tell.

OOC NOTE: Once people have had a change to respond to this post arriving to the game, we will start to drop in subheadings that cover roughly what happens in the game, followed by a subheading for post-game reactions/shenanigans.

© tessisamess

Apr. 15th, 2023



Log: James & Sirius

A (mostly) serious BFF conversation | Friday afternoon | Hogwarts courtyard
None, not really

What a terribly tragic life, without being able to sit in wet grass. )

Apr. 1st, 2023



Hogwarts Mingle



The Astronomy Tower at Hogwarts stands tall and proud, with its windows offering a breathtaking view of the castle grounds and the starry sky above. But tonight, the atmosphere is different. The normally peaceful and serene tower is alive with the sounds of music and laughter, and the air is thick with the scent of sweat and alcohol.

The enchanted candles that normally cast a gentle glow over the tower have been extinguished, replaced by flickering torches that cast long shadows across the room. The decorations are sparse, but the atmosphere is lively nonetheless. The tables are scattered with empty bottles and half-eaten snacks, and students huddle together in small groups, trying to be heard above the revelry. The music blares from a battered old record player in one corner, drowning out the sounds of the night sky outside.

This is one of the many unsanctioned student parties that seem to be cropping up as the school year draws to an end. The seventh years who are readying themselves to go out in the world, making the most of their last couple of months at Hogwarts. The atmosphere is charged with excitement and just a hint of danger, with some students nervously glancing over their shoulders to make sure they aren't caught by a teacher or a prefect. In reality, if any of them truly believes that their quietening charms are enough to keep the Headmaster from knowing what's going on in his school? They do not know Albus Dumbledore at all.

Despite the risks, the students are determined to have a good time. Some dance wildly, their bodies moving to the beat of the music, while others sit on the floor, sharing stories and passing around a bottle of firewhiskey. The Astronomy Tower has become a secret hideaway for these rebellious students, a place where they can let loose and forget about the rules and regulations that govern their lives at Hogwarts. Or the increasing number of concerning reports that grace the pages of the Daily Prophet, in a world they will soon be thrust into.
© tessisamess