Posts Tagged: 'character:+stamford+jorkins'

Aug. 12th, 2023



Ottery St Catchpole Summer Festival
Summer days drifting away To, oh, oh, the summer nights

WARNINGS: Label as you go. | Join In!
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Jul. 21st, 2023



Stamford Jorkins & Audrey Summers
Monday afternoon | Port of Dover | Low

Stamford surprises Audrey by meeting her at the ferry as she returns to England. INFO.
BACKDATED - 17 July 1978

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Jul. 1st, 2023



Who Audrey Summers and Stamford Jorkins
Where Stamford's Office, The Ministry of Magic, Department of International Cooperation
When 30th June 1978
Summary Audrey gives into temptation
Rating Lowish

It would take nothing to shift closer, to catch him unawares, to sate her curiosity and give in by closing that gap… )

Jun. 19th, 2023



Stamford Jorkins & Audrey Summers
19 June 1978 | Ministry of Magic | Low

Early Monday morning run-in at the Ministry. INFO.
Warnings: None.

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May. 28th, 2023





Due to IJ Issues, this thread is backdated to Saturday 27th

This description will be relatively short and sweet in the spirit of the man hosting this event.

Knowing that his former colleagues were likely to have had a few weeks of hell, thanks to the events of St Walpurgis night, Cosmo felt as though it was well overdue for people to have a night to blow off steam. As a result of that, he is hosting an evening with 2-4-1 drinks between the hours of 7 and 9 pm.

For more information on anything related to the bar, including the drinks menu, please see here.

OOC NOTE: Activity posted in this event can count towards June activity count, regardless of start date!

© tessisamess

Apr. 29th, 2023



Walpurgis Celebrations
WHERE Hogsmeade.
WHEN April 30th.
WHAT The Annual Walpurgis Celebrations. | Join In!
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Apr. 6th, 2023



Who Audrey Summers and Stamford Jorkins
Where The Ministry of Magic, Department of International Cooperation
When [Backdated] 4th April 1978
Summary A first encounter after a department meeting!
Rating Low

I know you’ve already met a lot of people today and probably need to get yourself settled, but I wanted to introduce myself… )