Sep. 9th, 2011


Left for Chess on her bed )

Jul. 21st, 2011


WHO: Francesca and Ken
WHEN: October 20, Evening
WHERE: Slytherin Common Room > Who knows
WHAT: Spending some time together and cheering each other up. Plus Chess will be learning chess more. :)
RATING: Likely low.

Jul. 9th, 2011


Who: Jasper Avery, Isaac Goldstein, and Kenneth Mulciber
What: Isaac confronts Jasper after the Quidditch incident and it ends ugly.
When:9 October 1977
Where: The grounds around Hogwarts & inside the castle
Rating: PG-13 for violence?
Status: Complete

Curiosity killed the cat )

Jun. 22nd, 2011


Left for Francesca in the 7th year girls dorm )

Jun. 21st, 2011


WHO: Francesca and Ken
WHEN: September 22. Evening.
WHERE: Slytherin common room and then who knows?
WHAT: Talking about their friend and the problems around school. Getting to know each other. Etc.
STATUS: Incomplete.

Jun. 8th, 2011


Who:Japer Avery, Francesca di Rossi, Ken Mulciber
What:Blowing off steam, victimizing the lake
When:After the journal drama after dinner
Where:7th Year Slytherin Boys' Dorm, then the grounds by the lake
Rating:eh...R to be safe. Language, Criminal intent

Somebody alert the authorities/I got criminal intent )

Jun. 5th, 2011


WHO: Francesca and OPEN(to multiple people!)
WHEN: September 5th. Afternoon.
WHERE: Slytherin Common Room then possibly outside?
WHAT: Francesca is trying to study, but she is simply over the homework thing.
RATING: Likely low unless the person who tags her has a potty mouth.