Sep. 26th, 2011


The one where Ella plays Father Christmas.

Owl to Michael Abbott )

Owl to Robert Bones )

Owl to Theodore Boot )

Owl to Hyperion Clarke )

Owl to Samuel Diggory )

Owl to Mary McDonald )

Owl to Marlene McKinnon )

Owl to Kevin Poole )

Owl to Declan Samuels )

Owl to Claudia Warrington )

Owl to Tabitha Watt )

Owl to Victoria Windsor )

OOC: I totally forgot Luke's and I'll do it tomorrow. I'm sleepy. Love you! )

Sep. 16th, 2011


Who: Hannah Robinson & Luke Brown
What: Winter ball cuteness then, um...
When: Friday, 16th December, evening
Where: Entrance Hall then Great Hall
Rating: PG-13 for eventual swearing/heartbreaking angst?
Status: Logged, complete!

Luke was not normally the sort of guy who could be rendered speechless by very much, but now for the second time that night, Hannah had stunned him into silence )

Sep. 13th, 2011


Invites to Luke's NYE party

Pinned on the Hufflepuff common room notice board )

Owls to all Gryffindor and Ravenclaw 6th years, plus Victoria and Knox )

Sep. 6th, 2011


Note passed to Hannah Robinson during DADA, December 6th )

Sep. 3rd, 2011


Who: Hufflepuffs, plus feel free to assume any other characters who're friends with Ella have been invited (/lazy).
What: Ella's surprise birthday party.
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
When: Saturday evening
Rating: TBD, but I'd imagine low
Status: IC/OOC Post! Feel free to comment with who was there, what they wore, what presents they brought (and yeah, I've pretty much copy/pasted this from Jeanne's post :X)

They say it's your birthday...we're gonna have a good time! )

Aug. 11th, 2011


Owl to Luke Brown )

Jul. 31st, 2011


Who: Steve Shunpike and Luke Brown
What: Baking and drinking herbal tea. Obviously.
When: [BACKDATED] Wednesday, just after the date auction
Where: Greenhouses
Rating: ...Probably NSFW
Status: Incomplete

But I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stoned )