Sep. 26th, 2011


The one where Ella plays Father Christmas.

Owl to Michael Abbott )

Owl to Robert Bones )

Owl to Theodore Boot )

Owl to Hyperion Clarke )

Owl to Samuel Diggory )

Owl to Mary McDonald )

Owl to Marlene McKinnon )

Owl to Kevin Poole )

Owl to Declan Samuels )

Owl to Claudia Warrington )

Owl to Tabitha Watt )

Owl to Victoria Windsor )

OOC: I totally forgot Luke's and I'll do it tomorrow. I'm sleepy. Love you! )

Jul. 14th, 2011


Who: Michael Abbott & Robert Bones
What: A Walk Before Sleeping to Calm a Foul Mood
When: Just Before Curfew, Wednesday, October 13 (backdated)
Where: A Basement Corridor
Rating: SFW
Status: In Progress

For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. )

Jul. 13th, 2011


Left for Robbie in the Hufflepuff Common Room )

Jun. 26th, 2011


Who: Anyone!
What: The first ever meeting of Art Club
When: The morning of the 25th (backdated)
Where: Some classroom somewhere?
Rating: SFW unless anything changes.
Status: Incomplete

Let's do ART! )

Jun. 19th, 2011


Who: Hyperion Clarke, Robbie Bones, Aaron Watson, Isaac Goldstein, & [OPEN]
What: Extra Prefect Rounds!
When: September 17, 1977; Friday; After Classes [Backdated?]
Where: Starting outside of the Great Hall
Rating: Going with LOW, unless something outrageous happens.
Notes: It's late/early when I'm posting this, so there are probably about a million mistakes; just let me know if that's the case!

What could possibly be more fun than extra work? )