Aug. 12th, 2011


Who:  7th Year Gryffindors
What:  Sirius' Super Surprise Birthday Shenanigans!
Where:  7th year boys' dorm
When:  Friday evening
Rating:  TBD
Status:  IC/OOC Post!  Feel free to comment with who was there, what they wore, what presents they brought, how many times they snogged the birthday boy... anything!  ♥  (Image-heavy post, sorry!)

Thiiiiiiiis is yooooooouuuurrr birthday song -- it isn't very long. )

Aug. 7th, 2011


Who: Mary MacDonald & Alice Vaisey
What: Mary goes to visit Alice.
When: 6 November 1977
Where: Hospital Wing, One of the surrounding rooms
Rating: PG, Mary likes to swear
Status: In-progress

But it's not everyday you fear for the lives of your friends. )

Jun. 5th, 2011


Who: Lily Evans, Mary Macdonald, Siobhan O'Callaghan, Alice Vaisey, Charlotte Whisp, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and James Potter
What: Gryffindor bonding time over a Truth Dare or Dare game & snacks
Where: 7th yr Gryffindor Boys' Dorm; can progress to other locations depending!
When: Saturday, 4 September, 8:30 P.M.
Rating: PG-13 R (proceed with caution // NSFW)
Status: Incomplete

Dare to be stupid! )


BACKDATED | Owl delivered to 7th year Gryffindors on Friday, September 3rd at breakfast )