Sep. 16th, 2011


Who: Everybody!
What: Winter ball!
When: 7PM onwards, December 16th
Where: Great Hall
Rating: SFW(?)
Status: Incomplete/Open!


Sep. 3rd, 2011


Who: Hufflepuffs, plus feel free to assume any other characters who're friends with Ella have been invited (/lazy).
What: Ella's surprise birthday party.
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
When: Saturday evening
Rating: TBD, but I'd imagine low
Status: IC/OOC Post! Feel free to comment with who was there, what they wore, what presents they brought (and yeah, I've pretty much copy/pasted this from Jeanne's post :X)

They say it's your birthday...we're gonna have a good time! )


Who: Anyone!
What: School-wide snowball fight
When: After supper, Friday 2nd
Where: Outside
Rating: Probably SFW? tbd.
Status: Incomplete and open. Very open.

Bring it on! )

Jul. 31st, 2011


Who: Bradley Hughes & Open
What: Brad is puttering around in the library.
When: Backdated, October 29th
Where: Library
Rating: PG. They are in a library afterall
Status: Incomplete
Read more )

Jul. 16th, 2011


WHO: Benjy + OPEN! (To multiple people even!)
WHEN: October 16th, Afternoon
WHERE: Courtyard.
WHAT: Benjy is playing his guitar. Working some songs out. AKA: An impromptu performance/hangout session. :)
RATING: SFW unless a sailor mouth joins in!

Jul. 9th, 2011


Who: Flow Morrison and anyone who wants to come visit!
What: I AM A MARTYR BRING ME CHOCOLATE shut up Flow. Hospital visits.
When: The afternoon/evening of the ninth (put the time in your comment title?)
Where: Hospital Wing
Rating: SFW, probably, discounting swearing.
Status: Incomplete

The worst part wasn't the broken bones... )

Jul. 6th, 2011


Who: Munch & OPEN!
What: Munch is causing a small scene at the paddocks, like he does.
When: About 12:45PM, Wednesday, 6 July
Where: The paddocks (where magical creatures are kept)
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Undeterred, he tried the hippogriff greeting cry he had learned instead. )