July 6th, 2011

[info]tenebraeputae in [info]incanesco_rpg

It's time for another Chess Club tournament!

Like last time, if any of your characters wish to participate, comment below or ping me (hufflepuffer92) or something so I know to include them. This month we have some plottage involved, so while parts of the tournament are predetermined, the rest will be settled by die rolls. Again, all students start with one die, then 7th years get another, then Ravenclaws get another.

Thanks everyone!

[info]justmunch in [info]incanesco_rpg

Who: Munch & OPEN!
What: Munch is causing a small scene at the paddocks, like he does.
When: About 12:45PM, Wednesday, 6 July
Where: The paddocks (where magical creatures are kept)
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Undeterred, he tried the hippogriff greeting cry he had learned instead. )