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Jan. 9th, 2012


WHO: George(, open to reaction from Evan?)
WHAT: Leaving a good luck charm.
WHEN: January 10th, evening.
WHERE: Grand Central.
RATING: So low you can't get under the limbo stick.

Surveillez vos arrières, ne pas faire quelque chose de stupide, )

Dec. 29th, 2011


The New Years Eve bash!

WHO: Open to all
WHAT: New Year's Eve party, of course!
WHERE: Madison Square Garden
WHEN: December 31st, 2018
RATING: PG13 maximum. Please take anything more to another thread.
STATUS: Open to all, in progress!

The ambiance was all-together more fun than most people had seen in a long time, and most people were looking forward to ringing in 2019 in as much style as was possible. )

Dec. 19th, 2011


WHO: George and Kris
WHAT: Super sleuthing, on George's part anyway. Obliviousness on Kris' part.
WHERE: Kris' little techie heaven corner of Grand Central.
WHEN: 12/19/18, afternoon.
RATING: TBD, but not high, for sure.
STATUS: In progress.

Kris was relatively certain that he'd never forget the facial expressions the guards gave him when he halted them and asked them to add a three-foot-by-four-foot-by-two-foot machine to their load. )

Dec. 15th, 2011


Who: George and Noah.
What: Meeting Mr. Ellipsis’ brother.
When: 12/15, early evening.
Where: Grand Central.
Rating: Low, expect some teasing I imagine.
Status: Complete.

It had been four days since her little excursion outside. )

Dec. 10th, 2011


Who: George & OPEN.
What: George needs her butt saved.
When: 12/9, midday.
Where: Some alleyway a ways away from Grand Central.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

Sure she could read a book but she wanted to move. )

Dec. 2nd, 2011


Who: George and Miles.
What: Unintentionally meeting for the first time.
When: December 2, sometime after Evan stopped teasing her on the forum.
Where: Grand Central.
Rating: TBD.
Status: Complete.

Like all those other nights in the past when everything inside was just too much to express verbally or in written form she danced. )

Nov. 30th, 2011


Who: George and Kris.
What: Punking Evan.
When: Backdated a bit to November 27 in the early evening.
Where: GCS of course.
Rating: Pretty tame unless Kris is asking for something unreasonable as payment.

And it was more than a little weird for her to be able to identify him by the back of his head )


WHO: Evan and George
WHAT: George is not okay. Evan is not okay with that.
WHERE: Grand Central.
WHEN: 11/29, night.
RATING: Medium for language, perhaps?
STATUS: In progress

Evan was fully aware that he wasn't the perfect brother anymore. Not like he used to be anyway. )

Nov. 16th, 2011


WHO: George & Allie.
WHAT: Accidental intrusion? George is attempting to read.
WHEN: 11/16/18, afternoon.
WHERE: A quiet corner of GCS.
STATUS: Complete.

It just wasn’t her thing. High fantasy never had been. )

Nov. 12th, 2011


WHO: George and Ollie.
WHAT: Ollie is a dirty rotten thief.
WHEN: 11/12/18, midday.
WHERE: Grand Central.
RATING: Fairly low with very mild violence.
STATUS: Complete?

She'd been living there long enough for most residents to know that taking from her (or Danny) would probably cause unwanted consequences. )

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