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Jun. 15th, 2012


WHO: Elliot. Open to reaction from Rae.
WHEN: June 15, 2019. Around 4:00PM.
WHERE: Rae and Eli's apartment. Sing Sing.
WHAT: The monthly present.

★ ★ ★ )


WHO: Brandon and Rory
WHAT: Tough love.
WHERE: The Four Horsemen
WHEN: Evening
RATING: There will be language. xP
STATUS: In Progress

It's the facts worth facing, faced way too late )

Jun. 11th, 2012


WHO: Cutter and Rory
WHAT: A drink. Or two. Okay, more than two.
WHERE: The Four Horsemen
WHEN: Evening
RATING: Medium probably
STATUS: In Progress

we're human at best )


WHO: Leah
WHEN: June 11, 2019; mid-morning
WHERE: Sing Sing playground
WHAT: Reevaluating her relationships.

★ ★ ★ )

Jun. 8th, 2012


WHO: Kori and Helena.
WHAT: Playing with Penny.
WHEN: June 8, afternoon.
WHERE: The Yard.
RATING: Low or Medium.
STATUS: In progress.

Penny always knows when somethings bothering mommy )

Jun. 7th, 2012


WHO: Evan and Elliot, eventually Leah
WHAT: The fearless leader has a panic attack.
WHERE: Starting off in Guard Tower 2.
WHEN: 06/06/19, evening – 06/07/19, afternoon
RATING: Medium for language.
STATUS: In progress.

But that left Evan alone. And that was probably not the best way for him to be anymore. )

Jun. 6th, 2012


WHO: Adelaide and Cutter
WHAT: Addie learns how to fight dirty
WHERE: Sing Sing, former inmate gym
WHEN: June 6th, early evening
RATING: Low-ish
STATUS: In Progress

It's not a matter of luck, it's just a matter of time )

Jun. 4th, 2012


WHO: Finn and Rory
WHAT: Trying to regain some semblance of control.
WHERE: Finn's place
WHEN: After the rescue, past midnight
RATING: TBA? Medium-high
STATUS: In Progress

It's anything but hard to see. I want all of you all over me. )

Jun. 3rd, 2012


WHO: Leah, Rae and Marigold (NPC)
WHEN: Forward-dated to June 4, 2019; close to midnight
WHERE: Sing Sing; near the front gate
WHAT: The group returns from Jersey City with a few more people than they left with. One of those little people is Leah's daughter. Reunion! ;_;
RATING: Probs low, because kidlets are present, yo.

★ ★ ★ )

Jun. 2nd, 2012


Who: Casey, Anne and...Lucy
What: Returning a friend
When: Late afternoon
Where: On the path less beaten
Rated:Not very high
Status :In progress

Just another reunion )

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