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Feb. 22nd, 2012


WHO: Aileen and OPEN
WHAT: Welcome to New York, Aileen. We hope you survive the experience.
WHERE: 42nd Street-ish, near Port Authority Bus Terminal
WHEN: February 22, late afternoon early evening
STATUS: In progress.

The sound of gunfire, off in the distance, I'm getting used to it now* )
[*lyrics: Talking Heads - Life During Wartime]

Feb. 21st, 2012


WHO: Brandon and Rory, with Charlie if things get crazy, yo
WHAT: Scavenging
WHERE: NYU medical center
WHEN: February 21, 2019
STATUS: In Progress

Once a nightmare, now just lifeless ghosts. )

Feb. 20th, 2012


WHO: Brandon (and Charlie, by proxy)
WHAT: Prank: return served.
WHERE: Left all around Liberty Island.
WHEN: Last night.

I feel like a douche even writing this. )

WHO: Brandon
WHAT: Prank: return served.
WHERE: Left in Evan's bedroll while he was sleeping.
WHEN: Early this morning.

Significantly less douchey. )


WHO: Eloise, Adelaide, and George
WHAT: Haircuts and hellos
WHERE: Public Library
WHEN: Late morning, February 20th
STATUS: In progress

Take this pink ribbon off my eyes )

Feb. 19th, 2012


WHO: Eloise and George.
WHAT: A gift delivery.
WHERE: Grand Central.
WHEN: February 19th, mid-afternoon.
STATUS: Complete, open for reaction.

e )

Feb. 18th, 2012


WHO: Eloise and Rory
WHAT: Meeting and talking.
WHERE: NY Public Library.
WHEN: February 18th
RATING: Mediumish.
STATUS: In progress.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ )


WHO: Cutter and Rodeo
WHAT: Epic reunion.
WHERE: A few blocks away from the NY Public Library.
WHEN: February 18th
RATING: Medium probably
STATUS: In progress

It seems like every day’s the same and I’m left to discover on my own )

Feb. 17th, 2012


Who: Coop and Anya
What: first meeting, sort of?
When: backdated to a couple weeks after she got to the safehouse
Where: Library
Rated: TBD but probably low
Status: incomplete

Read more... )


WHO: George and Lucas.
WHAT: A voice message for George.
WHERE: Madison Square/Grand Central
WHEN: February 17, late night.
RATING: Low/mediumish.
STATUS: Complete. (Open for reaction.)

Trying to make it through the wall / You can see me if you're tall )


WHO: Ollie and Ben
WHAT: Ollie's trying to steal from David's bag. Ben catches him.
WHERE: Liberty safehouse, Rae, Eli and David's area.
WHEN: Afternoonishly?
RATING: Low, maybe medium because swears.
STATUS: In progress.

He was a little bit on edge. )

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