July 12th, 2012

[info]bitofabitch in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Rae and Rory
WHAT: Girls being girls.
WHERE: Rae's.
WHEN: Evening, 7/10 because I was a slacker
STATUS: In Progress

I want to be the one to walk in the sun )

[info]caravahlo in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Marcus and Lulu
WHAT: Manly Exertion leads to Manly Confusion!
WHEN: Mid-Morning, July 12th
WHERE: The Gym (which doesn't start with "M"... :()
RATING: PG (Language)

A man had to have his priorities. )

[info]prettydeadly in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Rae; open to reaction from Elliot
WHAT: Hopefully, motivation to clean the room.
WHEN: July 12th, evening.
WHERE: Left on the table in their room.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it... )

[info]reapinghavok in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Leah to Brandon.
WHEN: July 13, 2019; morning
WHERE: Brandon's room
WHAT: Birthday present delivery.

★ ★ ★ )