January 16th, 2012

[info]linewalksyou in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Brandon Stone, Rodeo Williams and Leah Stone
WHAT: Brandon finds Rodeo outside quarantine
WHERE: Grand Central
WHEN: January 15, 2019
RATING: Medium, likely for language
STATUS: Complete.

Nothing seems to change, bad times stay the same and I can't run. )

[info]linewalksyou in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Mike Rivers and Rodeo Williams
WHAT: Mike comes to see Kori in quarantine and finds Rodeo first.
WHERE: Grand Central
WHEN: January 15, 2019, after Brandon and Leah talk to Rodeo
RATING: Medium, likely for language
STATUS: Complete

I got stones in my passway, and my road seems dark at night. )

[info]mikeonline in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Mike and Kori
WHAT: The first night after Kori is found.
WHERE: Quarantine at Grand Central.
WHEN: January 15 -- night.
RATING: Medium.
STATUS: In progress

I want you to want me / We're still forgiving / We'll just go easy )