Jan. 3rd, 2008


[info]hpfanart's contest

Welcome to the somewhat monthly contests! :)

The first content's theme is winter.

It is entirely up to you how you wish to interpret the theme, as long as the artwork is HP-centric (this includes works that are HP landscapes in nature for those who are inclined towards non-people art). Submit all entries to [info]hpfanart starting from today on. The deadline for the contest is February 16th. If you want your artwork submitted into the contest, please tag the entry with "contest: 001" or mention it in your post.

Winner of the contest receives their art turned into the [info]hpfanart header and will be featured as artist of the month. As added incentive for this first contest, the winner receives 6 months paid time at InsaneJournal. If winner already has paid time/permanent account, arrangements can be made as to who you want the paid time gifted to.

To facilitate voting and viewing all entered images in the same place, we will be uploading all entries to a contest gallery on Veiled Mysteries for the duration. If you would not like your art permanently archived there afterwards, we will be happy to remove it for you.

Winner will be decided on by voting.
There is no limit to how many entries you submit.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, reply to this post.

Good luck!

Oct. 8th, 2007


Help Wanted!

Hello lovely community members and watchers!

sorry I've been so lax in my modly duties lately - RL's crazy at the moment - which brings me to the reason for this post! A few weeks ago, the wonderful [info]lysa1 had to step down as co-mod for similar reasons, so I'm in the market for some new help!

If you are interested in helping maintain the comm, please PM me or reply here. I'm looking for someone who can help with running contests, occasionally put together a monthly masterlist or two, and other fun modly stuff. I'll love you forever if you're willing to give the comm a hand. :)

Keep the "color mes" coming! I'll be coloring a few this week if I get a chance, and putting up some line-art for you guys to take a crack at if you're so inclined. I know everyone's busy with fests and things, but keep those lovely pictures coming! We love to see your posts. :)

Sep. 12th, 2007


Oldie but Goodie final reminder

Hey guys!

This is just a reminder that I need anyone who posted an "Oldie but Goodie" to let me know if you'd like your image to be entered into the banner/site layout contest for this month. If I don't hear back from you in the next couple of days, I'm going to assume you aren't interested, which is a shame because we've only had four or five people respond so far and a lot of good art won't go into the voting unless you get back to me. We don't want to end up using anyone's stuff without permission, after all!

You can find the master list for the Post-a-thon here: http://asylums.insanejournal.com/hpfanart/16211.html

If your name is on it, you posted an ObG. ;)

Sep. 7th, 2007


"Oldie but Goodie" Master List

Hello happy people!

Here's the master list of all the pictures from the enormously talented people who participated in our August "Oldie but Goodie" Post-a-thon!

To the Work Safe Materlist! )

To the Not Work Safe (PG-13, R, and NC-17) Masterlist! )

I THINK I got them all. Some of you were a little iffy on the tagging. ;) If you had the name of the post-a-thon in your subject line and/or tagged the image properly it got added. If not, please fix your post, then poke me and I'll put it on the list. I apologize if I missed anyone who tagged correctly - I'm new at this masterlisting stuff. Those of you who titled your work with the name of the fest, but didn't tag, I probably added the proper tag for you this time around (sorry! might have missed a few), but in the future I'm only going to go by tags for masterlists so it's in your best interest to properly label things. It's a lot of work to wade through the archives trying to determine what's what, but don't feel bad if you forgot. Lots of people did (including me on one of my posts! Oops!) just let me know I need to update the list to include your image. Please also let me know if you notice any errors-I'm happy to fix them.

Thanks! Enjoy the list and go give an artist some comment love!


Okay, let's try something else!

Well, the "color me" thing didn't go over so well this time around *L* we didn't have a single entry! My fault for not poking you and forgetting about it myself with all the fun stuff happening around Bring Back the Porn and various other fests and things; I think it slipped through the cracks! We'll give it another go later in the year, when things calm down.

Here's what we're going to do instead! We had a lot of really neat stuff posted for the "Oldie but Goodie" Post-a-thon in August. This month's banner and artist of the month will be the person with the best "Oldie" which can be made into a work safe banner! In a little while I'll be compiling a poll (which will have to go in my own journal since this isn't a paid comm) of all of the entries tagged "Oldie but Goodie" for you to vote on. If you do not want your image considered for this contest, please let me know in a reply to this post. If you didn't tag your entry with "Oldie but Goodie" but you'd like to participate, now's your chance to go add that tag in. :) The artist responsible for the winning picture will be the featured artist of the month of September and we'll tweak the comm around your image!

I'd like to get either an "okay" or a "no thanks" from each person who posted in August's Post-a-thon before I make the poll. Artists with Oldies but Goodies, please reply to this post so I know if you are willing to participate.


Aug. 27th, 2007


Monthly Activities

Hello folks!

August is almost over! You've still got a little while to post your "oldies but goodies" Make sure your entries are tagged and I'll put them together in a masterlist at the end of the Post-a-thon!

For September we're going to be doing something a little different! Between now and September 7, we want you to post your favorite line art! This can be art you've already colored before, it can be old art, it can be new art, but we want it in clean sketch or lineart form as "color me!"s a'la the really fun community hp_colorme over on Livejournal (go check it out if you have time and are still LJ-ing). At the end of the week I'll post a list of the linearts submitted and you guys will pick your favorites!

Once the community's favorite lineart is voted on, it's time to color it! September's activity will be for everyone who wants to participate to submit their own colored version of the winning picture. CG it, print it out and watercolor it, put it on a transparency and cell shade it, finger paint it - we don't care how you do it, as long as it gets shaded and/or colored - whatever you want! At the end of the month the comm will vote again! The winners (both the original artist and the colorist) will be featured artists for the month. We will create a banner/color scheme with your piece, and credit both artists fully on the profile page.

Rules and FAQs )

We want this comm to be a place for improving your mad art skillz as well as showing off what you can do, so this activity is meant to promote cooperation and collaboration between artists. We fully encourage you to share techniques, tips, and tricks! To that end, we will also be posting a tip or "how to" of the month once we get things going.

In case this was tl;dr, to sum up: Post sketches/linearts, everyone colors most popular one, best cg/colored version wins, both artists get prize of being 'artist of the month' and credited with a new banner for the comm.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you are, as always, very welcome to share them! We'd be happy to hear from you.


Aug. 15th, 2007


HpFanart Webspace?

Oookay. I have an idea I'd like to throw out here and see what kind of response I get - I own webspace (artisticentropy.com) and in the past, for other fandoms, I've hosted image galleries as subdomains with member upload/submit capabilities similar to fanfiction.net or any efiction powered site, only with art instead of fic. For these types of things, i like to use the gallery script coppermine (which you can check out here: http://coppermine-gallery.net/ - if you're interested in seeing how it would work.) I used to use this script for my personal gallery, but it doesn't integrate into my fancy joomla layout anymore so I switched, but it is very functional and easy to use. ;)

More info on how it would work )

Please to be letting me know what you think. :) I'd like to get some discussion going on the issue.


Aug. 14th, 2007


Announcements and possible fests

Hey people! A few quick things - I know you are all probably sick of hearing from me by now!

First, please give a warm welcome to [info]lysa1 who has kindly agreed to be my co-mod! She's going to keep me in line...really ;) Everyone go love on her Snape picture! She's responsible for our lovely layout which is soon to have a header image as soon as I get off my butt and make one. Heh.

Keep those "Oldie but Goodie" posts coming people! We're all excited to revisit some of fandom's best artworks!

[info]florida_minxie and I are tossing around ideas for a fic/art collaboration fest/comm/some other thing we don't have a name for yet, but we're not sure how to do it, or if people would even be interested. To that end, she's published a POLL please go check it out and give us some feedback!

Aug. 13th, 2007


I'm an artist and I want a tag!

Please comment here after you join if you plan on posting art. I'll give each of you a tag you can use so people browsing the comm can find all of your stuff in one place.

Tags: ,

Aug. 14th, 2007



Welcome to our new members!

[info]avialle, [info]cnary_crem_dght, [info]crucio_4_coffee, [info]freaky_nerd, [info]its_art, [info]lysa1, [info]pinkelephant42, [info]sirenprincess, [info]strawberry_acid, [info]florida_minxie, & [info]typied

I've given you all tags (your user names) so you can post at will! I've also added category/character/rating tags. If you need to ask for a tag for a character in one of your pictures who is not on the list, or want to suggest any new tags for any other reason, here's a good place to do so! ;) I've tried to hit all of the high spots, but I'm sure I'm missing a lot of people/things.

EDIT: for other new users - please comment here if you are an artist and would like a tag.




Greetings artists and art lovers! InsaneJournal seems to be lacking in art comms at the moment, so I thought I'd start one in our new little corner of fandom!

Make yourself familiar with the rules before posting please!

That being said, feel free to post any and all HP related art you have here! I'd like to kick off the comm with an "oldie, but goodie" post-a-thon! From now until the end of September, please feel free to post your old stuff here - stuff some people might have seen before, but stuff you really liked. No more than one older piece a day though folks - don't want to flood people's friend's lists with repeat material! ;)

I'm thinking about possible activities/monthly challenges for the comm - if you have any suggestions, please post them in the comments! It would be fun to have a "color me" of the month or something - a contest for the person who cgs a specific line-art the best? Maybe have the line-art chosen in advance out of the previous month's "color me"s? Maybe a monthly challenge like a lot of the art comms on LJ do?

I am allowing artbetas! flock those types of posts though, please! The most helpful artbeta may win a prize if I can come up with something suitable, and will get mentioned on the info page for the month.

Also feel free to link once to your masterlists!

I'm going to be messing with the layout and stuff soonish-like; any and all suggestions about every part of the comm are greatly appreciated. I fully admit it's been years since I mod-ed anything on a large scale, though I used to do a good bit of it. ;) I'd also like a couple of co-mods to help me out. If you are interested, please PM me with credentials! (ooo! a fun IJ feature ;)

November 2009



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