Dec. 13th, 2008


Candles (for [info]alisanne)

Title: Candles (for [info]alisanne)
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snarry
Prompt: #13: candles
Disclaimer: my art, but not my characters. no profit intended
A/N: drawn for [info]adventdrabbles, and for [info]alisanne's drabble, Multipurpose Gift. What can I say, she's inspiring.  :D

NWS image at my journal

Dec. 12th, 2008


Advent Drawble: The Spill (Lily Luna, Scorpius, G)

Title: The Spill
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Lily Luna Potter, Scorpius Malfoy
Summary: "Need a hand, Malfoy?" "I'm fine, Potter." "Suit yourself. By the way, nice hat."
Prompt: #12: ice skate
A/N: drawn for [info]adventdrabbles.

image at my journal

Dec. 7th, 2008


Advent Drawbles Week 1

I've been doing a combination of drabbles and drawbles for the adventdrabbles community on IJ.  Here are this week's art responses:

headers and links - Draco & Luna family holiday, Pansy sees a Thestral, Ron gets pranked, Percy welcomes Tonks home )

Nov. 14th, 2007


[info]snarry100 Drawble: "Bounty"

Title: The Quicker, Thicker, Picker-uper!
Artist: [info]artisticentropy
Media: Photoshop and wacom tablet
Rating(s): G
Challenge: "Bounty"
Warning(s): Sloppily doodled? Blatant prompt abuse? Sorry... ^^;; I couldn't resist.
A/N: Eh, well - I probably spent thirty minutes on it instead of the max of 20, but it was about 20 drawing and 10 coloring, so consider it a double drawble? ^^;; I loves me some [info]alisanne Thank you so much for opening things up for drawbles! :D

( Er, is "Quicker, Thicker, Picker-uper" still Bounty's motto? o.0 )