May. 11th, 2009


I should be working on my Snarry Games thing, or on cleaning the house, or on taking care of the fish, or on... well, any number of other things.

Instead, what do I do? I find a pencil and a pencil sharpener, and I'm compelled to draw something Snarryish. :P

Title: Buzzing around
Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Characters: Snape, Harry
Rating: G (comments just made it into adult-land, though. -_- NC-17 for comments)
Medium: Pencil, regular copy paper

Clickity for the Art!!

Apr. 2nd, 2009


Title: Housemates
Medium: Pen and ink, Markers
Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Characters: Snape/Gilderoy
Rating: PG
Notes: I needed to feel better, and Snart always makes me feel better, so this happened. Comments are love, and will make me want to make more pretties for you!!!

Fake cut to journal

Dec. 8th, 2007


Title: Sirius' Portraits
Artist(s): [info]littleblackbow
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Characters/PairingsJust Sirius :D
Media: Watercolor/pencil
Notes/Comments: I like Sirius with some gray hair. There are two portraits here from a series of watercolors. I have some of the other charries, too, but they're not scanned yet.
Artbeta? not really. However, comments are always welcome. I know some anatomy is off - some of it is a stylistic choice. :P

Sirius Portriats )