Nov. 8th, 2008


Narcissa Malfoy, G

Title: Narcissa Malfoy
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: G
Medium: Photoshop
Notes: This is my response to the publicity photos of Narcissa released by WB in advance of the Half-Blood Prince film. The image is an homage to the illustrations of Alphonse Mucha.

(full image at my journal)

Aug. 23rd, 2007


Oldie but Goodie Post-a-thon: Bellatrix/Narcissa from 2006

Title: The Bride Room
Artist(s): [info]twilightsorcery
Rating: R
Warnings: dubcon, infidelity, bit of a nipple
Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix/Narcissa
Media: Photoshop
Notes/Comments: [info]witchwinter gift for [info]lottelita. I worked for ages and ages on it (too long, probably) but I'm happy with the result. Especially the frost on the window. :) ::pimps [info]witchwinter::

NON-WORKSAFE art below the cut )


"Oldie but Goodie" Post-a-thon: Malfoys

oops, I've been awful about doing this lately. ;) Apologies! Here's some more rather old artwork from me! I was trying out some weird colors/stylistic things in this one. XD

Title: Malfoys
Artist(s): [info]artisticentropy
Rating: G
Warnings: Er, implied het?
Characters/Pairings Narcissa and Lucius
Media: Photoshop over a sketch
Notes/Comments: Draco was originally in there too, but he got DELETED! XD I may add him in again some day. I have several versions of this on my site actually, including a few with just Narcissa. I was experimenting like crazy with it. Also, I LOVE the Malfoys like /crazy whoa!/ Best canon couple ever. <3 <3

Malfoys )