Apr. 11th, 2008


*whistling a merry tune* Old man shmoop, anyone?

Title: My Sweet Prince
Artist(s): [info]sh4rds 
Rating: G
Warnings: Hahah, eh, mush?
Characters/Pairings Albus/Gellert
Media: Open Canvas et wacom tablet
Notes/Comments: Recently got my hands on oC, so I decided to play in it a bit. My good mood translted to a piece of mush with no real message but 'awww'. Also, that title? No idea where that came from. And don't worry, the 'old' part of the title is totally a joke.
Artbeta? Nah, not really, this one was pure indulgence. Unless something really gnaws at you, feel free to point that out ;)

I am too lazy to make a thumbnail, so you get a boring fake cut

Jan. 15th, 2008


Draco doing le angst

Title: I Hunger
Character(s): Draco Malfoy
Rating: G
Medium: Pshop
Notes: I was bored, and I needed to practice some shadows, I felt. Ever since I made Severus have a tan. I mean, really. A tan. A Potions Master. With a tan. Tsk, Sha, tsk. So I give Draco, in the shadows, pining after his lover (of your coosing), and being generally lush. Also, yay new art host <3. AND HE IS NOT TANNED :P.

To the journal, away!

Jan. 10th, 2008


omigod, first post

Click on preview for the link :)

Title: The Gift
Artist(s): [info]sh4rds
Rating: R
Warnings: Implied Sexual Act
Characters/Pairings Severus/Lucius
Media: Photoshop
Artbeta? yes plz

Title: Ecnyss
Artist(s): [info]sh4rds
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Characters/Pairings Sirius/Remus
Media: Photoshop
Notes/Comments: Hlaf-arsed attempt at a different style
Artbeta? sure :)

Title: Bitch, please
Artist(s): [info]sh4rds
Rating: PG-13 (but maybe R, I am known for being too loose with my ratings)
Warnings: more situations of the implied kind.
Characters/Pairings Bill/Draco
Media: Photoshooop
Artbeta? sure :)
