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Apr. 6th, 2008


An Interpretation on Justice (the Aurors and Assassins Mix) - Team Epilogue

Title: An Interpretation on Justice (the Aurors and Assassins Mix)
Team: Epilogue
Author: [info]noticeably
Prompt: Justice
Wordcount: 16,000
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, character death, infidelity.
Summary: The little-known truth about floor sixteen and the department that inhabits it is this: the ten witches and wizards that sit in the front, while attending to things like paperwork and other trivial matters, are only a front to appease the few easily confused, lost individuals that happen to wander into the department unannounced, most usually when looking for another floor.
Author's Note Information on Justice (and the reversal) can be found here and here. Many thanks to my teammates for all of their help and encouragement! ♥

An Interpretation on Justice (the Aurors and Assassins Mix) )


Darkness Is Not the Absence of Light - Team Canon

Title: Darkness Is Not the Absence of Light
Team: Canon
Author: [info]janicechess
Prompt: Justice
Wordcount: 13,500
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: Harry only wants what's fair for Narcissa Malfoy. But Narcissa has other plans, and Draco is willing to go along with just about anything to stay out of Azkaban.
Author's Note Many thanks to my betas and teammates for all their help.

Darkness Is Not the Absence of Light )

Apr. 5th, 2008


Art: The Choices We Make (Team Epilogue)

Title: The Choices We Make
Team: Epilogue
Artist: [info]plotting_pen
Prompt: Cups
Rating: R
Warnings: Blood, Semi-nudity
Summary: Letting go is always the hardest thing to do.
Artist's Note Thanks to all my teammates, who have been just incredibly amazing. Special thanks to RR for being such a wonderful person and helping me out when I most needed it.

References I used for the prompt can be found here and here.

The Choices We Make )

Apr. 3rd, 2008


What Could Have Been (And What Was) -- Team Fanon

Title: What Could Have Been (And What Was)
Team: Fanon
Author: [info]amanuensis1
Prompt: Judgment
Wordcount: Just under 7,000 (MS Word says 6826 without the headers)
Rating: R
Warnings: Infidelity
Summary: Neither epilogue-compliant nor EWE; seven separate demonstrations that you can't stop the signal.
Author’s Note: The prompt for this story was the tarot card Judgment, whose meanings include rebirth, resurrection, changes and improvements, decisions that change the pattern of life for the better.

What Could Have Been (And What Was) )


Brother, Confessor; Lover, Redeemer -- Team Canon

Title: Brother, Confessor; Lover, Redeemer
Team: Canon
Author: [info]empathic_siren
Prompt: Judgment
Wordcount: 9,800
Rating: R
Warnings: Epilogue compliant
Summary: Harry is running from his past, but it won't leave him alone. Can a string of anonymous confessions help him confront everything and move on?
Author's Note: The Judgment card is one of rebirth, of healing. Face past sins and put them to rest. What follows is great transformation and renewal. Sincerest thanks to my betas.

Brother, Confessor; Lover, Redeemer )

Apr. 1st, 2008


Catch Me If I Fall -- Team EWE

Title: Catch Me If I Fall
Team: Team EWE
Author: [info]alisanne
Prompt: The Fool
Wordcount: 15800
Rating: R
Warnings: None.
Summary: As the world recovers from war, Draco faces an uncertain future. Unusual advice sets him on a new path, but only time will tell if he can avoid the pitfalls.
Author's Note Everlasting thanks to the members of Team EWE and to my beta readers who shall remain nameless for the moment in the interests of anonymity. Special thanks to S, without whose unfailing cheerleading and support this story would probably not have been possible, and to the moderators of this fest for hosting such a fun event.

Catch Me If I Fall )


Fool (Or, The Many Good Deeds of Draco Malfoy) -- Team Canon

Title: Fool (Or, The Many Good Deeds of Draco Malfoy)
Team: Canon
Author: [info]avocado_love
Prompt: The Fool
Wordcount: 18,000+
Rating: R
Warnings: EWE, language, sexual situations
Summary: "You haven’t done one brave or noble thing in your life, Malfoy. Then you come into my house and ask me why I won’t do the right thing for you? What have you ever done for anyone?"
Author's Note Explanation of The Fool card is contained in the fic. Many glorious thanks to my betas!

Fool (Or, The Many Good Deeds of Draco Malfoy) )

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May 2009



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