May. 2nd, 2009


Team Epilogue - 16. Is that a wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Title: You May Not Look Happy, But You're A Terrible Liar
Team: Epilogue
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Prompt: 16. Is that a wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: One wife, oblivious, and one rather more observant.
Artist's Note: Thanks to the team for their patience when work sent me AWOL.

You May Not Look Happy, But You're A Terrible Liar )

Apr. 26th, 2009


Team Epilogue: 5. Fate worse than a dementor's kiss.

Title: Forever Hold Your Peace
Team: Epilogue
Artist: [info]rosivan
Prompt: 5. Fate worse than a dementor's kiss.
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: The hardest thing to do is to let love pass by.

Forever Hold Your Peace )

Apr. 25th, 2009


Team Epilogue: 17. Happier than a niffler in a Gringott's vault.

Title: The Malfoy Manor's Grand Galleria of Wondrous Wizarding Wigs
Team: Epilogue
Artist: [info]damned_queen
Prompt: 17. Happier than a niffler in a Gringott's vault.
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: A pompous—but balding—Draco decides to show off the Malfoy Manor's most recent acquisition, the Grand Galleria of Wondrous Wizarding Wigs. Unfortunately he gets more than what he had bargained for when Potter and his offspring come round. Featuring RecedingHarline!Draco, LongFaced!Harry, Pranky!JamesSirius, a broken bust, Amused!LilyLuna, Background!AlbusSeverus and Panicky!Scorpius.
Artist's Note: Thank you mods for organizing this; thank you Team Epilogue for the help & support; thank you my lovely little teddybear for hearing me whine; and thank you for having a peek at the outcome.

The Malfoy Manor's Grand Galleria of Wondrous Wizarding Wigs )

May. 22nd, 2008


Comment Pr0n Day 3

The last of the comment pr0n AND the watcher fics that were previously submitted!

The reveal and winners will be announced tonight! 10 points separate #1 from #4 and, thus, we're doublechecking our figures.

from potteresque_ire )

from punxangel )


And the last of the prompts are the art prompts:

Most Important H/D Moment from the Books

Apr. 19th, 2008


SWORDS - What the North Wind Brings -- Team EWE

Title: SWORDS - What the North Wind Brings
Team: EWE
Artist: [info]raitala
Prompt: Swords
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: IV, III, II, I - After the war the world is a cold place. Much has been sacrificed and lost. But a chill wind warms the blood. ;)

Pen and ink, plus watercolour.
Artist's Note I had great fun in the cup. A big thanks to the mods for organising and to my team-mates for the ♥

SWORDS - What the North Wind Brings )


Duplicity or choice -- Team Canon

Title: Duplicity or choice
Team: Canon
Artist: [info]melmoe1
Prompt: Swords
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: A time of change, a time to choose, to decide what to keep and what to loose. An ending in preparation for a new to begin; grab hold of balance and harmony where conflict had been.
Artist's Note Pre epilogue.

Duplicity or choice )

Apr. 5th, 2008


Art: The Well of Memory

Title: The Well of Memory
Team: Canon
Artist: [info]sherant
Prompt: Cups
Rating: G
Warnings: Image Heavy
Summary: The suit of Cups corresponds to the Water element and the color Blue. It holds the deepness, the well of memory, the record of our existence. I find they also suit Harry and Draco's canon relationship quite well. Please enjoy!

The Well of Memory )

May 2009



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