Previous 20

May. 5th, 2009


Team EWE: 22. I think I saw a Pensieve like this once...

Title: A Bad Case of Deja Vu
Team: EWE
Author: [info]bemygoodday
Prompt: 22. I think I saw a Pensieve like this once...
Wordcount: 2,200
Rating: PG
Warnings: Horrible puns.
Summary: Nothing good ever came from the Department of Mysteries, nothing good at all.
Author's Note: Thank you to Kim and Mel for the speedy beta jobs! Also, this was my first attempt at not only being as minimal as I could, but also using dialogue as opposed to internal monologue as a driver. I'm not sure how well it turned out, but I would really appreciate con-crit! Go team EWE!

A Bad Case of Deja Vu )

May. 2nd, 2009


Team Epilogue - 11. When in doubt, apparate.

Title: Ifs and Maybes
Team: Epilogue
Author: [info]ennyousai
Prompt: 11. When in doubt, apparate.
Wordcount: ~2450
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers for DH, but that's a given, no? ~_-
Summary: Harry and Draco have always known there was something between them. But sometimes what you want isn't the easy choice.
Author's Note: I was aiming for a sense of sadness in this fic in order to depict the tension between what you want and what you need to do. As such it isn't slash per se, but more along the lines of eternal UST. I hope it delivers.

Ifs and Maybes )


Team EWE - 16. Is that a wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Title: A Resolution in the Name of House Unity
Team: EWE
Artist: [info]misterwalnut
Prompt: 16. Is that a wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Rating: PG
Warnings: Cross-dressing.
Summary: After the war, both Harry and Draco are suddenly down in the dumps.
Artist's Note: This is my take on the prompt. Hope you all enjoy it! :)

A Resolution in the Name of House Unity )

Apr. 26th, 2009


Team EWE: 5. Fate worse than a dementor's kiss.

Title: Of Hobbies and Consequences
Team: EWE
Author: [info]xanateria
Prompt: 5. Fate worse than a dementor's kiss.
Wordcount: 9123
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really, a naughty word.
Summary: Harry learns why trying to get a hobby can be hazardous to his health.
Author's Note: This story completely changed on me, more than once. I wanted to go somewhere totally different with it, but the boys wouldn't let me. Huge thanks and virtual chocolate to my betas [info]jamie2109 and [info]el_em_en_oh_pee.

Of Hobbies and Consequences )

Apr. 17th, 2009


Team EWE: 13. Magic is 1% inspiration and 99% incantation.

Title: Echo Through The Hills
Team: EWE
Author: [info]el_em_en_oh_pee
Prompt: 13. Magic is 1% inspiration and 99% incantation.
Wordcount: 7,000
Rating: PG
Warnings: Real-world issues in a magical setting, extensive speculation at the magical world in Africa, past Harry/Dean, statistics.
Summary: Life gets boring after every remaining active Dark witch and wizard has a go at Harry Potter (and gets subsequently jailed) post-Voldemort victory, so he joins a taskforce combating the very recent spread of HIV amongst wizards. The only problem he has with this work is that one Draco Malfoy, professional statistician, has been assigned to Harry's group.
Author's Note: Thanks go out to K and E for the brainstorm sessions and read-throughs. You guys totally rock my world ♥. Any remaining mistakes are mine. Thanks also go to G, for making me both brave enough to be invested in this sort of thing and to be brave enough to write this. Title comes from the song "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing."


Echo Through The Hills )

Apr. 15th, 2009


Team Epilogue: 18. "This one time, at Hogwarts..."

Title: Harry's Little Secret
Team: Epilogue
Artist: [info]thilia
Prompt: 18. "This one time, at Hogwarts..."
Rating: PG
Warnings: Infidelity
Summary: If you only knew...

Harry's Little Secret )

Apr. 14th, 2009


Team EWE: 23. A snitch in time saves nine hours of Quidditch.

Title: The Game of Time
Team: EWE
Author: [info]allopen
Prompt: 23. A snitch in time saves nine hours of Quidditch.
Wordcount: 4,500
Rating: PG
Warnings: Minor character death.
Summary: If he could only change ONE thing...
Author's Note: A snitch in time: An informer from a different time. Muggle saying - stitch in time saves nine: A little preventive maintenance can eliminate the need for major repairs later

Thanks to Sue ([info]jamie2109) for the beta. I hope you guys enjoy this.

The Game of Time )

Apr. 11th, 2009


Team Epilogue: 8. Episkey heals all wounds.

Title: Erosion
Team: Epilogue
Author: [info]gibson_fic
Prompt: 8. Episkey heals all wounds.
Wordcount: 8897
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Summary: Harry finds himself getting back on his feet and sorting out his life with the help of someone unexpected.
Author's Note: Thanks be to D, for hand holding and reassurances and for generally talking me through both versions of this story. Thanks be to A, for the beta and for being awesome above and beyond the call of friendship. Thanks be to C, for pointing out the laughing fool and for encouraging me every step of the way. Thanks be to the moderators and everyone involved with the challenge this year. It's been a privilege to be involved with the World Cup.

Erosion )

Apr. 7th, 2009


Team EWE: 10. Well, you just let the kneazle out of the bag.

Title: Curiosity Killed The...
Team: EWE
Artist: [info]katerina_black
Prompt: 10. Well, you just let the kneazle out of the bag.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Um, wall kiss?
Summary: Ron and Hermione will likely regret following Crookshanks...
Artist's Note: A huge thanks to my awesome teammates, particularly [info]chibitoaster, who talked me through the last minute frenzy. ^_^ GO TEAM SHEEP!

Curiosity Killed The... )

Apr. 6th, 2009


Team AU: 20. Close your eyes and think of Hogwarts.

Title: primum mobile, or ten forgotten things
Team: AU, baby!
Author: [info]kirinin
Prompt: 20. Close your eyes and think of Hogwarts.
Wordcount: just over 4,000
Rating: PG
Warnings: None, really.
Summary: The truth: logic isn't in the lump in his throat, in his stuttering pulse. He needs the certainty of his name on someone else's lips, which means he needs Malfoy...
Author's Note: Thanks to my usual betas, Laura and Mama-chan, and also to two people who gave very good advice, Travis and Andrew. Finally, thanks to everyone on the AU team. May the best team win!

primum mobile, or ten forgotten things )

Apr. 3rd, 2009


Team Epilogue: 4. Never tickle a sleeping dragon.

Title: Four Seasons In One Day
Team: Epilogue
Artist: [info]sirra_scribbles
Prompt: 4. Never tickle a sleeping dragon.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Many images (97 panels)
Summary: "The Menticuristry Unit of St Mungo's Hospital provides treatment and guidance for witches and wizards of all ages and backgrounds with mental health issues. In addition to comprehensive mental health services, we are staffed with the finest and highly experienced Mind Healers and Menticurists to serve the magical community." - St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Artist's Note: Thanks to my team for your support and help! And as always, my forever gratitude to A.

Four Seasons In One Day )

Apr. 2nd, 2009


Team EWE: 6. No use in crying over spilt potion.

Title: Accidents Will Happen
Team: EWE
Artist: [info]chibitoaster
Prompt: 6. No use in crying over spilt potion.
Medium: Pen and ink, marker, video
Rating: PG
Warnings: Extreme cuteness and "awww." Diabetics have your insulin ready.
Summary: Teddy is a little matchmaker. ^_~
Artist's Note: Thanks to my teammates for enabling me helping me choose the right song and acquire it for this video!

You must have QuickTime installed to see the video below.

Accidents Will Happen )

Apr. 1st, 2009


Team Epilogue: 24. Don't count your mandrakes before they're re-potted.

Title: Wouldn't Have Been
Author: [info]yeuxmarrons
Team: Epilogue
Prompt: 24. Don't count your mandrakes before they're re-potted.
Wordcount: 7,515
Rating: PG
Warnings: A bit angsty, I suppose.
Summary: Harry's run away from the wizarding world, and none of his friends have been able to convince him to come back. When Draco is asked to see what he can do, he's sure they'll have one quick argument and he'll be on his way. It doesn't quite work out like that.
Author's Note This is my first time participating in organized fic-writing this way, and it's been a lot of fun. Thanks especially to the rest of Team Epilogue for the help and encouragement.

Wouldn't Have Been )

May. 4th, 2008


A Caller in the Storm - Team Fanon

Title: A Caller in the Storm
Team: Fanon
Author: [info]me_midget
Prompt: The Hermit
Wordcount: 8,200
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: Harry has left the Wizarding World for good and is living in a hut in Lake District. Life is calm and good, and Harry thinks he finally has everything he needs, but a caller in storm that rages one night might change everything.
Author's Note: I'd like to thank the amazing Team FANON. Special thanks goes to F (I wouldn't have managed to do this without you!) and to Y, who was wonderful beta-reader!

A Caller in the Storm )

Apr. 29th, 2008


S. Morgenstern's 'Through the Looking Glass' (abridged) - Team Canon

Title: S. Morgenstern's Through the Looking Glass (abridged)
Team: Canon!
Author: [info]el_em_en_oh_pee
Prompt: Moon
Wordcount: 3,792
Rating: PG
Warnings: none. Thinly disguised meta, maybe, but really, none.
Summary: The moon Tarot card is associated with such things as "illusion. Escape into daydreams to avoid dealing with reality. Inability to discern reality from illusion". Herein lies S. Morgenstern's epic rendition of a man whose dreams and reality become increasingly blurred after a traumatic event, now abridged by editor Eloise Midgen.
Author's Note: Thanks, my beta extraordinaire(A) for checking this last-minute and for keeping me sane(All remaining mistakes=mine). Thanks B&E for keymashy conversations about worldcup&for calming me down the last few days. Love!

S. Morgenstern's 'Through the Looking Glass' (abridged) )

Apr. 27th, 2008


Protect Me From What I Want - Team Canon

Title: Protect Me From What I Want
Team: Canon
Author: [info]pixies
Prompt: The Hanged Man
Wordcount: 4,000
Rating: PG
Warnings: A lot of Angst, perhaps.
Summary: Harry has to make a decision between what he thinks is right and what his heart wants. A story of love, sacrifice, and lessons never learned. Title shamelessly taken from a Placebo song of the same name.
Author's Note: Many thanks to B. for her last-minute help whipping this into shape. ♥ Thanks also to A. and F. for all of their brilliance and encouragement. So much love!

Protect Me From What I Want )

Apr. 26th, 2008


Wand Play - Team EWE

Title: Wand Play
Team: EWE
Artist: [info]dramedy
Prompt: Wands
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: Ambition doesn't die. Draco tries to take out Harry for his higher Auror position, but will he get more than he bargained for?
Artist's Note Passion! That's what I want you to get from it! Hope you like it! :D

Wand Play )


Priori Incantatem - Team Canon

Title: Priori Incantatem
Team: Canon
Artist: [info]aluinnsearlait
Prompt: Wands
Rating: PG
Warnings: None!
Summary: In the end, it was the only thing he could do.
Artist's Note Special thanks to the lovely people that looked over my drawings and gave me ideas. The staircase in image 6 is located in Wells Cathedral, and was built in 1306.

Priori Incantatem )

Apr. 16th, 2008


A Dark Place in Time -- Team Canon

Title: A Dark Place in Time
Team: Canon
Author: [info]cutecoati
Prompt: The Empress
Wordcount: ~ 9000
Rating: PG
Warnings: EWE
Summary: What on earth was her son thinking, falling for Harry Potter of all people, Narcissa wonders. But after the death of her husband, she finds him useful in many, and sometimes surprising, regards.
Author's Note: Many thanks to my wonderful beta S. All remaining mistakes are mine.

A Dark Place in Time )

Apr. 12th, 2008


Heads or Tails - Team Canon

Title: Heads or Tails
Team: Canon
Artist: [info]rosivan
Prompt: Coins
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Quidditch, Harry and Draco, and how they're like 'two sides of the same coin.'
Artist's Note Thank you to my lovely betas, and for all the feedback in the initial planning. <3

Heads or Tails )

Previous 20

May 2009



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