June 29th, 2013

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

With everybody leaving Hogwarts today, the plot of Goblet of Fire comes to an end - and, as a result, so does the plot for Accio Goblet.

The game does not end today, however. You have two more weeks (until the 12th of July, to be more specific) to have your character write anything else you feel he or she still needs to say about the events that happened between the end of the school year and the dementor attack in Little Whinging. Daily Prophet campaign against Harry and Dumbledore, mourning for Cedric, Ministry connections, or anything else you want. Or, if you prefer, you can tell us all about what your character did in the following years, rather than just this summer.

As a point of reference, I should mention that the delegations of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons returned to their schools, where the rest of the staff and students had waited a few days longer to celebrate their return. In Beauxbatons, Madame Maxime retold the recent events to the whole school and declared her full support of Dumbledore's words. As for Durmstrang, well, as you all know Karkaroff ran away after the Third Task, so it fell upon the students from the delegation to nominate a spokesperson to do the same thing.

Anyone who wishes to carry on playing their characters (or, alternatively, play a different character(s) but with this wonderful group of players), you can check out Felix Felicis, a postwarts PSL set in 2003. Several Accio Goblet characters are already ageing up eight years and starting their transition, so come and join us!

And although there's still two weeks to go, let me give a huge THANK YOU to everybody who was involved in this game. You are all fantastic! ♥