January 22nd, 2013

[info]missunderstood in [info]goblet_ooc

I thought I ought to give you all a heads up that I'm about to change Allegra's icons to a new set of Bella Heathcote icons. Now you're thinking "she doesn't need to tell us this", well I do really - mostly because of the fact that instead of the usual long curly/wavy hair that she has now, her new icons will show dead straight hair with bangs.

anyway as a sort of explaination, Allegra got it into her head during Hogsmeade Weekend (after this happened) that apparently it was time for a change and went and got her hair done. and considering it a rather drastic change, I'm sure her friends would've noticed.

also speaking of that chat with Cormac, Allegra would've been rather withdrawn and quiet and trying her best to avoid questions of 'are you okay?' and the like. i say this mostly because when i try to do backdate entries myself i get rather confused in the grand scheme of things.

...i'll try and shut up now.

- julie

edit: all the icons changed now. :) if you'd like you can see them here.