January 6th, 2013

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Run the button, and please say hello to Sammy, who brings us Roger Davies ([info]daviest)!

Sadly, we have lost Eve, and with her Phineas.

[info]daviest in [info]goblet_ooc

Hi, everybody! I'm Sammy and I'm new here. I'm a college student who is currently on her winter break, so I should be around pretty much all the time if anyone wants to plot.

This is Roger Davies, sixth year Ravenclaw, proud Muggleborn and former Quidditch captain. Despite the fact that Quidditch is cancelled this year (a fact which nearly led him to try to off himself), he still answers to and occasionally introduces himself as Captain Roger Davies. Usually while shirtless. Yeah, he's that kind of guy. Roger has the kind of giant ego that only comes with heaps of sincere, only slightly misguided self-confidence and is incredibly competitive, to the point where he'd rather make himself physically ill than risk lose something as trivial as an eating contest. When he isn't flying or trying to prove his superiority to the rest of the human race, Roger likes to fill his time with girls. All of the girls. If your character is blonde and female, he has, at one point or another, hit on them. If they're not blonde... he's probably hit on them too. He's only had three serious relationships (the longest was with Amelia Higgs, and lasted a little less than six months), but he's snogged his way around both Hogwarts and the Muggle world, so if any ladies want to have had a piece of him, have at it. Currently, he is head-over-heels in Veela!love with Fleur Delacour and not entirely sure how to feel about it. His friends (whom, rest assured, he treats much better than his love interests) are more than welcome to make fun of him for it.

This was super long and rambly. Sorry about that. Here is his app (which is hopefully more enlightening that whatever I just typed), and, for your time, here is a .gif of the canon Roger attempting to dance.