December 24th, 2012

[info]ithappens in [info]goblet_ooc

Holiday Madness Hiatus-y Thing

Hey guys, so, I know I owe a lot of tags and I need to comment on like a billion journal entries but my family is, like, really into Christmas (my grandfather is a PRIEST, okay), and things are just insane around here because my mother abandoned us to go to England for the holidays and my dad is, to put this kindly, totally neurotic and mildly useless... so I'm kind of running the show here this year and it is just BATSHIT INSANE KINDS OF STRESSFUL AND CRAZY. And then two days after Christmas my best friend from college who I haven't seen in a year will be arriving for five days. He and I are really good at sitting together in companionable silence/on the computer so I won't be totally gone while he is here, but I do want to spend a lot of time with him since, yeah, it has been a year and he's my favorite person ever.

So... I'll just be insane/busy until the new year. I intend to get to my threads when I can, I promise. And I know there is lots of Christmas/Yule Ball stuff to go up and be tagged too (AHHHH).

So. Email me. Please, everyone, just email me. Tell me what threads I'm supposed to be putting up and when. Better yet, email me and say you want to put them up. Even BETTER email me and tell me that you love me and this will all be over soon. (It's the email address listed on the contact list that is NOT gmail.)

Happy Christmas, girls. And as they say in my hometown: Don't Forget To Be Awesome.