December 18th, 2012

[info]ravenclawlari in [info]goblet_ooc

Hi guys - this isn't a hiatus notice, more of a "I'm feeling like utter crap this week and don't have the energy to think out many well thought out replies" notice. This is the second time in three weeks that I've succumbed to various strains of a bug going around (the joys of working with small children!) and now my body's paying the price. Even sitting upright in the computer chair is kind of painful (thank you, pulled muscles) and I'm a bit zonked most of the time. It isn't pretty.

In essence, I'll be around but mostly reading the game and popping up every now and again when the mental fog clears. I'm hoping that I'll be able to have a fairly restful week as our schools finish for the Christmas holidays on Thursday, so after that I'll have more time to be around and actually do stuff.

Yours disgustingly,



PS - Regarding the Yule Ball, there's only Anzelm and Vicky left of mine to officially pair up (or not, as I haven't decided yet) - Larissa's going with Hamish, Leon is going to ask Samantha at some point (or the other way around, Sarah and I haven't decided yet), and I'm pairing off Anais with one of the 7th Year Hufflepuff boys, so let me know if you're interested in any matchmaking :)