December 6th, 2012

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

A word on the Yule Ball.

Today, the students will find out about the Yule Ball. Unlike with previous events, this announcement will be made by the heads of houses/foreign schools - which, in the case of Slytherin and Durmstrang, is bound to be interesting, I'm sure.

So that you can remember the basic information on the Ball, I give you a direct quote of McGonagall's explanation to the fourth year Gryffs: Under the cut. )
After the announcement, the four champions will be called aside and told that they're meant to open the ball - which means that going stag is not an option for them.

I should also add, due to some people asking about it recently, that while the foreign students have to spend Christmas at Hogwarts due to transportation matters, attendance to the Yule Ball by Hogwarts students (or, indeed, having to spend the holidays in the castle) is not mandatory, even if the mention of the dress robes to the supplies list seems to suggest otherwise. This quote (by Molly Weasley in chapter 5) gives the impression that older students are free to go home if they so wish: "I'd invite you for Christmas, but... well, I expect you're all going to want to stay at Hogwarts, what with... one thing and another."

Like Molly, I expect most students will want to stay at Hogwarts to enjoy the festivities, but if your character is not the partying type or sees no reason to stay, they are free to catch the Hogwarts Express with the younger years. This doesn't mean that a certain long-haired Scot is off the hook, though...