December 2nd, 2012

[info]missunderstood in [info]goblet_ooc

...the icon seems oddly appropriate to use. o.O

okay so I know alison is aware of the situation... mostly cause she's had two of her characters comment. but I figured i'd post this note here so that any one else in their houses and those who are aware that Cormac and Allegra are close friends, are aware of said situation.

so with the first task, Allegra was naturally super-worried (ie: FREAKING OUT!) about her cousin Cedric, even after the event and knowing that he was going to be okay. everyone was pretty okay about it... except y'know Cormac who just had to go and be an arse about it. it got to the point where Allegra was that upset that she said she doesn't want to talk to Cormac anymore. [Evidence here]

as consequence, she hasn't talked to him since and prolly won't for a while, so any friends or whatever are bound to notice something is up. especially since Allegra is particularly mopish, since for the longest time she's had a crush on Cormac but never told him, so she's got all these conflicting feelings...

and um yeah... since i'm not the best person when it comes to explaining (i tend to ramble), feel free to ask any questions if you want something clarified.