November 20th, 2012

[info]thatsmile in [info]goblet_ooc

So he's finally here! *cue Kermit flailing of arms* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! This will sadly probably be my last character, because i am so abominably slow with apps. Anyway recap... I'm Julie, 28, from Australia and currently an at home person as I've been recovering from broken ankle/leg for past 6 months but hoping to possibly get back to TAFE next year to get back into Graphic Design. Here at AG I'm the deputy mod, not that I've been much of one of late, and my other two characters are Allegra Flint (Slytherin, Fifth Year) and Cassius Warrington (Slytherin, Sixth Year)... er, no i don't have a thing for playing Slytherins. >.>

This here is Rémy Laurent. He's a 7th Year from Beauxbatons; more specifically the 7B class. Er, he does actually have a middle name, but in trying to finish the app off I haven't had a chance to properly think of what it ought to be.

Rémy is a naturally charming, friendly, easy-going type of person. Generally never has a bad word to say about anyone, and that's including people he doesn't like. (OMG don't you just hate him now?) He's the sort of person that prefers the quiet rather than say go to a Quidditch match. He is a completely hopeless romantic (but he's not going to sit around waiting for Prince Charming).
He looooves music! Loves singing and playing his guitar. He's also pretty good with drawing/sketching, but doesn't really pursue it seriously.

As for family he sadly has no siblings, but he's okay with that. His mother, Françoise, is an artist, who despite being muggleborn deals mostly in magical portraiture, murals and landscapes rather than muggle art. His father, Guillaume, helps runs his family's business... which I've yet to figure out what it is except that it leaves the family being moderately wealthy. :/

So where might you see Rémy? Well he's taking Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Astronomy, Charms, Potions and Transfiguration. So if you take those clases you'll see him around. He's also in the Choir and Drama clubs; and is grateful that the foreign students have been allowed to join. So yay.

Sadly for the girls sighing about French boys, this one is gay... buuuuut there is a bit of plottage where poor Samir thinks that Rémy is straight because he's always seen being friendly with this girl... but that's just Rémy's natural state. The only things we've (Patricia and I) have really figured out (but cant decide on) is a) the poor girl in question doesn't realise that Rémy isn't because well one he's gay and two he kind of has his eye on someone else; or b) the girl is simply one of his Beauxbatons friends.... so kind of have to decide on that.

And to stop myself from rambling on and on I'll end things here, only to say that am totally up for any plot. So friends/frenemies/enemies/whatever apply within. And if you want to read more on the boy just go here.

Any other questions that weren't answered by the profile can be asked in comments I suppose.

- Julie

EDIT: So I realised I forgot to mention whereabouts Rémy comes from/lives. Right so Rémy (when not at school) lives with his parents in a smallish wizarding area in Montpellier in the Languedoc-Rousillon region. Ended up choosing Montpellier because a) sooooooo so pretty, b) er future plottage reasons. >.>
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