November 12th, 2012

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

First of all, run the button again, and please welcome Megtoo, who brings us Keegan Connolly ([info]keeconnolly)!

Secondly, the ever wonderful Katie has devised a table for prefect rounds, which you can check out here. There's also a link in the Classes & Clubs page. If you're playing a Hogwarts prefect (or thinking of applying for one) feel free to request a group. The first pairing in a group will take the first round (9-11pm, though dates can be changed or rescheduled) and the second will take the second round (11pm-1am, with again possible rescheduling). Anything later than 1am will be taken by the professors and Filch.

Note: Foreign students are guests in the castle, and therefore are not expected to do rounds or do anything prefectly. Regarding the Beauxbatons contingent, Madam Maxime takes full responsibility for looking after her students, though if anyone who used to be head of class back home wishes to assist her, they're free to do so - provided they make an official request to her, of course. As for the Durmstrang delegates, officially it should work the same way as with Beauxbatons, but since Karkaroff can't really be trusted on these matters the students should perhaps elect one or two of their group as unofficial prefects in case of emergency.

[info]keeconnolly in [info]goblet_ooc

Hello new friends! I'm Megtoo ([info]megtoo). I've been away from RP for a few months for some personal stuff but I missed it too much so now I'm back!

This is Keegan Connolly. If she likes you, you can call her Kee. You'll know whether or not she likes you. She would love some more Fifth Year Hufflepuffs, if anybody's feeling a muse coming on!

She's Irish, opinionated, and her bark is worse than her bite. She hates Harry Potter.

Oh, and her father is the Connolly of the Irish National Quidditch Team, and if you've ever talked to her for more than a few minutes, you know that.

I'm looking forward to playing with you all!