October 30th, 2012

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

We're sorry to inform you that Emily has left the game, which means we've lost Angelina. Run the button, when you can. Of course, this means that Emily #2 becomes just Emily - don't worry, tags at this comm have been changed to avoid confusion.

On a happier note, the foreign students arrive today! An IC/OOC post will be made later, where you can describe what your characters did during the arrival and subsequent feast - and once that post is up, you'll be able to start posting as your foreign character.

And finally, don't forget to drop a comment at this month's Activity Check! There's still a lot of names left, and very little time to do it.

[info]argentumvir in [info]goblet_ooc


With Leon's post from earlier today (which should have gone up over the weekend, but I have had a number of actual idiots to deal with IRL), I thought it might be helpful to have a little timeline of what went down in The Great Egg Throwing Disaster Of 1994. That way, if your chars want to refer to it (perhaps they were witnesses or victims, in which case, comment away!), no-one is getting their wires crossed, people have specifics to refer to and everyone's happy. Hurrah!


- During the day time, a number of young Hufflepuff students were seen heading to the top of the Astronomy Tower (which, of course, they're not supposed to do unless they have a class).

- When the bell goes for break and some students are milling around outside in the general vicinity, said students start throwing eggs. Hard. Colin Creevey, being his useful self, manages to get some pictures with his camera of who got hit and the mess that was made on the ground. However, when he tries to take pictures of the egg-throwers, an egg hits the camera lens, causing slight damage to the camera.

- At this point, Leon (who had been present, though he only received an egg clipping the side of his arm) goes to check Creevey and other people who got hit are all right. He is visibly very annoyed, but can be heard telling Creevey that he won't dock points right away until he has got to the culprits to hear what they have to say for themselves.

- He then proceeds to the staff room to find Professor Sprout. He finds her, and they discuss the incident (Flitwick is also present). He tells her that he thinks he ought to take points, but because students from several houses were involved, some people got scrapes and Creevey's camera got damaged (not to mention the students being in an out of bounds area at the time), he wanted to make sure, for future reference (as this is the first point in his Head Boyship something large has happened), that any punishment was fair.

- He suggests five points per student, but after an irate Professor Sinistra has her say (and as the miscreants involved used the "it was just a joke!" defence), Professor Sprout (annoyed with students from her own house showing themselves up just before the foreign students get to Hogwarts) increases the punishment to five points per egg thrown in order to teach the students a lesson. She is also the person who issues the detentions.

All conversations were held in public places - either the corridors or grounds - so there are plenty of opportunities for your character to get involved (post-dated, naturally). Have at it!

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Run the button, and please join me in welcoming Tessa, who brings us Veronica "Ronnie" Whitaker ([info]whitakers)!

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Run it again, as Becca adds her Beauxbatons girl, Elodie Chevalier ([info]jesuiselodie)!