October 4th, 2012

[info]audrey_elise in [info]goblet_ooc

Sorry to take so long with this, but this is Crystal with my second character, Audrey (yes, that Audrey) Bulstrode! She's a 6th year Slytherin, prefect, and member of the charms club, chess club, and choir, and may be potentially interested in a drama club if that happens. She's the older sister of Millicent, though they're really not much alike. Unlike her sister, Audrey is ladylike, a good student, and tries her best to be friendly and outgoing, as she knows people skills and charisma are important in politics, which she plans on going into after Hogwarts. Despite the confident and in-control facade she presents, Audrey is kind of messed up. Her mother, whom she was very close to and aspired to be just like, died of a terminal illness a few months before she went away to Hogwarts for the first time, and since Millicent started Hogwarts, she's become resentful of Audrey and acts out. Audrey, on the other hand, tends to internalize her issues and tries to distract herself by keeping busy so she doesn't have to think about them. She's been in an on and off relationship with Adrian Pucey since late in 3rd year. They're not really the most compatible of couples, but they have a hard time letting each other go for too long, and Audrey's issues have a lot to do with that on her end. Audrey is a pretty good prefect, fair and neither overly strict nor overly lax. She's hoping to become Head Girl next year, just like her mother was.

I'm open to any and all plot, friends, enemies, frienemies, whatever! And maybe one or two boys Audrey attempted relationships with during her and Adrian's "off" periods.

ALSO, if a location for the Halloween party hasn't been officially settled on, she might be persuaded to try to get it in the Slytherin common room. She's unsure about letting outsiders into Slytherin, but she kind of wants the party, too, and if there's no better alternative, she might cave.