September 6th, 2012

[info]emptyprefect in [info]goblet_ooc

Hello all. Julie here with her second character, Cassius Warrington-Fraser. He's a sixth year Slytherin, and a prefect to boot. He also happens to be Hamish Fraser's twin (cause like it wasn't obvious already what with them looking alike)... er though to be honest I don't know which one is the 'eldest' cause I don't think Patricia and I were really bothered.

Up until the early part of his first year at Hogwarts he was under the impression he was a Pureblood, but as it turns out he was actually Halfblood (pureblood witch for mum and a muggle dad). Then it got all very The Parent Trap... but then things were resolved and today they're one happy family. Although Cass is of the opinion that he can't wait til their Mum isn't pregnant anymore and no longer being she of the crazy hormones. ...well, that and he doesn't like to think of his parents still having sex.

Despite the popular theory, he's actually a decent guy... he just doesn't show it all that often. Plus I think he likes being able to surprise people or something. It's no surprise the guy loves Quidditch or that his favourite team is the Falmouth Falcons.
His best/favourite classes are DADA and Charms; having been taught from a young age all the theory relevant to those particular subjects (it's probably the only thing he'd be begrudgingly grateful to his grandparents for).

You can find his profile here; friends, enemies, frenemies apply within. open to plotting.

and annoying twin brothers can go elsewhere. :P

- Julie
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