September 2nd, 2012

[info]whataplayer in [info]goblet_ooc

Hey everyone! I'm Emily, and I know some of you, or maybe even most of you in some way or another. By way of superfast introduction, I'm 29, living in Arizona, and my CDJ is [info]sassylime. Most importantly, I'm bringing you the most excellent Angelina Johnson, scorer of goals and breaker of hearts, or at least Lee Jordan's.

Angelina is the youngest of three girls, and yearmates may remember that when she was sorted she threw an unholy fit at not going into Hufflepuff like her oldest and favorite sister. She got over it eventually, but it took a while and her first year was hard for her for a few reasons (one being that her sister got pregnant by the DADA teacher).

She still has a soft spot for Hufflepuff, though she's very pro-Gryffindor these days, and she likes Ravenclaw well enough... Slytherin, on the other hand, she has nothing good to say about. Sorry, Slytherins. Lots of prejudice there.

I am really excited to be here and looking forward to playing with you all! :)

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Run the button! Please welcome Emily, who brings us Angelina Johnson ([info]whataplayer)!