August 16th, 2012

[info]daydreaming in [info]goblet_ooc

Hey, everyone! I'm Crystal, and I'm pretty sure I've RPed with most of you, and for those of you I haven't friended yet, you can catch me at [info]themiserychick. I've got one character here so far, Leanne Clearwater. Leanne is a fifth year Ravenclaw, and a member of the Book, Chess, and Gobstones clubs. Leanne is very introspective and off in her own world a lot of the time, daydreaming, or just wondering about random things. She's shy, but once she's gotten to know someone, or you've hit on one of her choice topics, she can be prone to rambling, (and then gets embarrassed if she catches herself rambling too much). Her father is a Muggleborn and her mother a half-blood born to Muggleborn parents, and neither has forgotten their Muggle roots, so Leanne is pretty knowledgeable about Muggle culture, and loves Muggle clothes. She aspires to be a fashion designer and work Muggle styles into Wizarding fashion. She's a little bit of a drama queen and prone to exaggeration.

I want all the plot, so hit me up!

[info]notsoslytherin in [info]goblet_ooc

Late to the party but hey I'm Alex, Australian and just really getting bwck into HP rpand have Kathryn Bundy a sixth year Slytherin and cousin to Zacharias Smith. She's Halfblood, fairly quiet, highly artistic and is for blood equality. She got into Slytherin due to her ambition to become a famous artist one day. She doesn't have many friends (I have two Claws in her app but of course this can change) and mostly keeps to herself though she'll be friendly if she ends up talking to people. Really not the biggest fan of her house and was nearly a Hufflepuff.

Best way to contact me is via email ( though my aim is sometimes on and works then ( or my cdj [info]theladyunicorn. Looking forward to playing with you all :D

[info]gobletmods in [info]goblet_ooc

Run the button! We have two new members: Becca, who brings us Stella Fawcett ([info]astellaidea), and Carrie, who brings with her Jules Dorny ([info]stagnantly).

EDIT: And run it again, as Heather gives us her second character, Larissa Samuels ([info]ravenclawlari).

[info]ravenclawlari in [info]goblet_ooc

Heather again with character #2, Ravenclaw 6th year Larissa Samuels!

Some of you will have encountered her before, either at Absolut, Feinted/Feigning or through her brother Jason's references to her at May 02. For those of you whose chars haven't met her before, she can be summed up thusly:

* One of four kids - pureblood English dad, half-blood South African mother. She got her dad's looks and mother's accent. Her father died in her second year, and ever since she's spent nearly all of the holidays at her maternal grandmother's estate outside Pretoria.

* English is only nominally her first language. She's equally fluent in Afrikaans (her mother's native tongue), which is what she speaks at home. She also speaks a couple of minor African languages - namely Xhosa and Zulu - and is aiming to learn more. Put a typical Ravenclaw in a country with 11 official languages and it's like putting a pig in mud.

* Her cat, Magnus, is a notoriously grumpy bugger and will barely let anyone in Ravenclaw go near him. Problematic, as he likes to sit on the common room rug in front of the fire.

* She's taking Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions and Transfiguration. She wants to become a Healer and eventually work in sports healing. She's also in the Charms and Chess clubs, and in her free time is obsessed with Muggle sports, particularly rugby. She's mad for the Springboks.

* Hamish Fraser is her best friend - she's the one who pointed out that he and Warrington looked like twins and was very smug to be proved right! She's never had issues telling them apart. Contrary to what some believe, they're not secretly a "thing", even if she is his biggest cheerleader when it comes to Quidditch.

Plot with me! :D

[info]astellaidea in [info]goblet_ooc

Hello! I am Becca and this is Stella Fawcett! Just a quick note before I start talking about the one of us who is more important (Stella, obviously), I am currently on holiday in Europe and won't be back to my normal timezone or on an actual computer for about another week. Stella is also in Europe visiting her family and won't return until after the QWC (though she may appear on the journals before then of I get bored when I get home and decide to have her father send her one with her school books :P).

Anyway, Stella is a 6th year Ravenclaw. She is pureblooded but very multi-cultural (each of her grandparents is from a different country). She's not purist and doesn't really have time to think about blood politics. You see, Stella's mother is sick with manic-depression which she refuses treatment for. This means that Stella's life is a bit of a roller coaster (and means she can suddenly be a bit moody instead of her normal, friendly self). She has an older brother named Calvin, who will hopefully be in play sometime soon, he is a 7th year Slytherin. She is very musical and loves to sing and tinker with any instrument she can get her hands on. She is also a little boy crazy.

She is friendly! Let's be friends!