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Thread: Quin & Jackie [May. 8th, 2008|04:44 pm]
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Who: Quin Espinosa and Jack Murdock
When: Thursday, May 8
Where: Quin's room
What: Quin is sick and requested some booze-laced chicken soup from Jack... so Jack's bringing it to him.

it's good for the soul )
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[Apr. 29th, 2008|01:48 pm]
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WHO: Eiko and whomever picks up that phone!
WHAT: Eiko get off the plane and calls the only person she knows of in the states: Logan.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Phone booth in Kennedy International Airport. Receiving End: The Academy.

Logan. His name was Logan. )

[Open to whomever picks up that phone!]

ooc: Logan is not around right now. Have fun, Quin! :-)
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[Mar. 31st, 2008|08:37 pm]
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WHO: Anyone who is faculty or staff (NPCs included)
WHEN: forward dated to Tuesday afternoon
WHAT: Staff Meeting

Too many people in one small room, all of them powered – it made Sean down right twitchy it did. He wished these meetings could have been held in his office, at least than he could have sat behind his desk and lorded over the whole thing. and felt in control.

As it was, the staff meetings always took place in the staff lounge in the main building. At the moment people just clustered around talking. Sean glanced at the clock, it was five minutes to three, classes ended at 2:30. Five more minutes, then enough was enough, it would be time for the ramblers to get rambling.
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[Mar. 31st, 2008|08:08 am]

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Who: Quin Espinosa and John Summers Dayspring Askani'son
When: 31st March, 2033: 8AM
Where: Backyard
What: He finally finds his pinball machine.

Was he actually crying? )

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[Group Three] [Mar. 20th, 2008|08:09 pm]
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WHO: Quin Espinosa, Tom Rourke, John Summers Dayspring Askani'son, Chester Centino, Heather Langkowski, Demetrio Munroe-Rictor, Jimmy Langkowski
Elise Gibney
WHERE: The F4 Garage
WHEN: After This

The third group was being shown the garage – the massive, massive garage where the Fantastic Four kept their vehicles. Yes, this group was getting to see the Fantastic Car. Their guide was telling them of the history of the car, and pointing out the Fantastic Copter (extra large seats for Ben Grimm), and other Fantastic Vehicles, when it sounded like all the car alarms going off at once.

When that sound subsides, they're alone, they're guide is gone. Anyone who made a break for the entrance of the garage is going to find the doors locked. Trapped in a room full of vehicles, and not a car key to be found.

ooc: The Garage is huge. Massive. They can play with the cars, hotwire them, break into them, there's all kinds of cars, and other vehicles. Even bikes! Joy ride time! (there is tons of room, but they cannot leave the building.) We had Demetrio volunteer to do some damage in the previous post, so feel free to post that in the previous post whenever.
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Field Trip Post # 1 – The Tour Begins -- forward dated to Thursday [Mar. 19th, 2008|09:32 pm]
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Field Trip Post # 1 – The Tour Begins -- forward dated to Thursday
Once arriving at the Baxter Building, the students would find themselves separated into groups, the better for keeping things under control. Each group was to be lead on a tour by a holographic tour guide, and than once the tour was over, the groups would be brought to re-group at the entrance of the building. Everything was carefully planned, so that the tour groups would all be in different areas at different times.

The tour guides were pleasant, informative, although a little lacking in the sense of humor department, as they didn't find it funny when people walked through them.

All in all, it should have been a pleasant trip to the Baxter Building . . .Had there been a pre-cog amongst the group, they could have told anyone concerned that about fifteen minutes into the tour, everything was going to go to hell.

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OPEN TO ALL [Mar. 10th, 2008|02:00 pm]
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Today, Building One officially became The Xavier Building and Building Two had become The MacTaggert Building. Sean had always said that the buildings should be named, but there had always been some sort of crises that had to be dealt with, and in the end, giving the buildings names had been at the very bottom of everyone's to do list.

When the decision had been made to name the buildings, Emma decided that simply putting a plaque on the front of each wouldn't be enough. There had to be an official ceremony.

The Ceremony )

That's it folks! Post and tag at will! GAME START!
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