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Outside it may be raining but in here it's entertaining! [Sep. 17th, 2010|04:59 pm]

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Who: Death ([info]_memento_mori_), Famine ([info]malnourishment) & War ([info]on_a_red_horse)
What: The Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse just doesn't quite have the same ring now, does it? Three brothers ride - in Death's fancy pimpmobile.
Where: Roads of NYC, karaoke bar
When: Friday night
Warnings: Horsemen in a karaoke bar

Because we can can can )
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Now the party don't start 'til I walk in. [Sep. 1st, 2010|11:43 am]

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Who: Death ([info]_memento_mori_); OPEN to Famine ([info]malnourishment) and War ([info]on_a_red_horse)
What: Three of the four Horsemen convene.
Where: Famine's loft
When: Wednesday morning
Warnings: TBA.

Tick tock, on the clock, but the party don't stop. )
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I hope they cannot see. [Aug. 30th, 2010|05:51 pm]

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Who: War (open to Famine)
What: Ch-ch-changes mean mooching off family
Where: Famine's apartment
When: Tuesday night through Friday morning

The limitless potential living inside of me. To murder everything. )
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[Jun. 5th, 2010|12:14 am]

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Who: Guns ([info]righttobeararms ); Open to War ([info]on_a_red_horse )
When: Saturday Morning, 6/5
Where: Los Angeles
What: A friendly little 'hello, it's good to see you again'.
Warnings: Violence

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[Jan. 30th, 2010|07:58 pm]

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Who: The Memitim, War
What: Fixing a broken tool
Where: Undisclosed Location
When: Backdated to 1/25
Warnings: TBD

A wasted path so cluttered up/ To realize as if it somehow mattered/ Are you high/ Are you low )
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[Jan. 12th, 2010|03:49 pm]

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Who: Envy ([info]bringthemlow), Famine ([info]malnourishment) & War ([info]on_a_red_horse).
What: Finding peace in madness.
When: Tuesday afternoon.
Where: The Texas-Mexico border.
Warnings: Gee, a Sin and two Horsemen. I dunno.

Envy sat on the Texas-Mexico border like an over-sized vulture. )
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You raise the blade, you make the change/You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane. [Nov. 3rd, 2009|06:17 pm]


Who: War([info]on_a_red_horse)
What: Finding her horse
Where: Nevada
When: Tuesday night
Warnings: Implied animal abuse

You lock the door/And throw away the key/There's someone in my head but it's not me )
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[Sep. 22nd, 2009|07:22 pm]

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Who: National Security and War
What: Payback is a b*tch
When: Tuesday Night
Where: SL-27
Warning: Not pretty. Not pretty at all.

Like a string being stretched taut and then pain, so much pain.  )
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[Sep. 20th, 2009|08:19 pm]


Who: War
When: Saturday, 9/19
Where: SL-27
What: The aftermath

The taste of blood and rot from having her insides melted only made her laugh harder and she had to stop before she choked on her own vomit. )
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[Sep. 14th, 2009|05:34 pm]

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Who: War and Uriel
What: Starting trouble.
When: Monday Night
Where: Nile Mile One, Syracuse, New York

And because I'm so nice I'll even let you take the first shot. )
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[Sep. 3rd, 2009|05:22 pm]

[Current Mood |aggravated]

Who: War
What: Gonna snipe National Security's bitch ass.
When: Thursday night
Where: On a rooftop

Forgiveness! From a heathen god! It was as funny as it was blasphemous. )
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Fishing For Trouble... [Aug. 20th, 2009|10:45 pm]

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Who: National Security ([info]absolutecontrol) & War ([info]on_a_red_horse)
What: War goes after National Security.
Where: Underground car park of the DHS, NYC.
When: Thursday night.
Warnings: Violence, blood.

Boredom is never a good thing. Idle hands are etc. )
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[May. 18th, 2009|04:22 pm]
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Who: War and Industrial Warfare
What: What War deities do when bored: beat the crap out of each other.
When: Tuesday, afternoon
Where: Gold's Gym in Brooklyn
Warnings: Violence, possibly language

Being someone who liked to be busy, be it physically or mentally active, Karl wasn't taking the slump in activity in the Middle East pretty well. )
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[Apr. 22nd, 2009|09:21 pm]

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Who: Ares and War
Where: Empire State Building – Observation Deck
When: Thursday, 9 pm
Warnings: See the who.

War liked to picture the city below her burning. It wasn’t an original thought not be a long shot.  )
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[Jan. 17th, 2009|07:15 pm]

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[Current Location |Metamorphoses]

Who: The Horsemen of the Apocalypse
What: Family reunion at a new club.
When: Friday night
Where: Metamorphoses

Not a junkie for your love. )
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[Dec. 18th, 2008|07:38 am]
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Who: War and Open
When: One dark and stormy night..
Where: The Buildings of New York
Rated: TBA

I stood and watched and prayed for your doom. )
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Screams of the dying, battle cries, and widows of war... [Jul. 9th, 2008|12:58 pm]
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Who: War and Pestilence
When: Late one rainy night
Where: New York City, it starts in a dark alley

These are a few of my favorite things... )
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Good little lady you're driving me crazy... [Jun. 21st, 2008|04:38 am]
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Who: War and Open
Where: Ragnarök
When: Friday Night around 11 pm

Your lipstick is lazy your eyes are all hazy )
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All the lonely people.. [Jun. 3rd, 2008|10:42 am]
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[Current Music |Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles]

Who: War and Open
When: Sunday Night
Where: Roof top of a Church

Where do they all belong? )
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[May. 19th, 2008|09:13 pm]
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Who: The Four Horsemen
When: 8pm, Sunday Evening
Where: Club Ragnarök, New York City


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