February 2019



January 29th, 2019



How do people even decide on a flat like actually?

So I just wanted to let all of you know that I'm (hopefully) not going to be around for a few days. I've been working out my plan to get into Devona's place and I think there's really one way that will give me the access and the time that I need. So... this evening after she gets off work I'm going to try and convince her to adopt me. Dog-me. Snuffles.

Before you say anything:
1) I know she lives alone
2)I know she has no pets
3) I know she misses having dogs
4) I know my animagus form looks a lot like an old dog she used to have
5) I know this will get me in the flat, even if only for a day or so.

I'm planning on letting her discover me after she gets off work, hopefully today but I'm off until Saturday so I have wiggle room. If you don't hear from me by Saturday evening assume something went wrong somewhere. Also please don't talk me out of it or anything or tell me I'm an idiot or something. Because I've been prepping for this for like two weeks now.

Also. I want to tell Dorcas. About me, not you guys. We've been working on Occlumency together and it's really only a matter of time before I think of being a dog since that's like, 80% of my thoughts normally? Anyways, I want to ask if she'll look through my memories after I come back from Devona's and that would be hard to do if she doesn't know I'm an animagus.

But yeah I didn't want to do it without running it by you lot since we agreed. All for one.



This is your Tuesday reminder: don't break the law.

Some of you have some questions. These are the answers: bees are technically the jurisdiction of the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Yes, that's a real department. No, it's not brand new. Yes, I know most bees aren't magical but the DRCMC has more training in that area than the Hits do and No, we aren't going to consider beekeeping classes. Also, no, there aren't secret beehives on the roof of the Ministry. The Ministry building is underground.

These were all real questions my department has answered over the last few days. Also, we aren't going to comment on the identity of the Bee Witch, since it's an open investigation.

I'm done answering questions now.

Getting nervous?