February 2019


Feb. 3rd, 2019



Battle Aftermath

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all your work putting together a really fantastic battle! We love how everything turned out! A few quick housekeeping notes:
  • The first comment section is for anyone who wants to establish that they (or their NPC) was at the fight but didn't duel for whatever reason.
  • The second comment section is for everyone to check in with their character's status post-battle. If your character needs healing, rescuing, etc, or if they are available for healing, rescuing, etc, let us know! Also comment with any evidence they might have left behind.
  • The third comment section on this post is to volunteer for aftermath plot. The plot for the next few days will be the original plot we had for the end of January:

    FEB 4[MEDIA 1] covers the Death Eater rally and Order attack. FRANK and [AUROR 2] are assigned as the point people for the investigation. [AUROR 3] and [HITWIZARD 2] poke around St. Mungo's about anyone injured in the attack.

    FEB 5 • More Attack Aftermath.

    FEB 6[DE 1] vows the revenge of the Death Eaters.

    FEB 7MAITLAND and EVAN burn some shit down in retaliation for the attack on their meeting.

    As you can see we have a number of open spots left so please sign up!

  • The February pcal will go up this week along with some plotting for Act II that we're super excited for!

Jan. 29th, 2019



Hello everyone! Welcome to activity check #4. As a reminder, this month is a CHECK IN ONLY. Just tell us if you're still here and what you might need help with to accomplish your personal character goals. We've all had a rough month activity wise so use this as a clean slate and a way to figure out what direction to go from here.

Jan. 27th, 2019



Hi everyone! Please welcome our newest character: Lulu Miyazaki, played by Rhia!


Jan. 21st, 2019



Hi everyone,

So as you've probably noticed, things have been a little slow around here and the mod team has largely been absent for the last month. All three of us have had a lot of real life issues to deal with and as much as we love the game, we've had to prioritize our work/family/health. Unfortunately, we've also dramatically underestimated just how busy and distracted we would be, which has led to us making game/plot commitments we haven't been able to keep. We're sorry for that and we're going to try to be better. We've reshuffled some of the admin responsibilities so we have more time to play our characters (and NPCs) and have put together a backup plan for if we all get pulled away from the game at the same time again.

Because everything got away from us last week, we're rescheduling the big battle for this month and pushing it back one week to February 3rd. The battle doc should go out tomorrow. All of the scheduled aftermath will be pushed back as well (it'll be on the February pcal), Voldemort will post to the Death Eaters tomorrow or Wednesday and the Order meeting will be later this week. If there are other plot slots you signed up for but missed, consider this a great big do over. If it's a game wide thing, reschedule it with us, otherwise just run with it whenever works for you.

Moving forward, our pcals are going to be less intense, limited to game wide events and major plot and with a little more flexibility in terms of dates. We hope this will give all of you more room to explore your own plot ideas. We've set the overarching plot for the game but we really do want the details to be filled in collaboratively. We want a heads up for recruitment plots and things that will have game-wide repercussions but we also want you to feel free to run with your own plots. As long as you clear things with the people who are involved, go nuts!

Finally, because this month has been a mess, the January activity check will be a check-in only and we'll get back on track next month.

We're really lucky to have such a great group of players and we love this game and want it to succeed. We appreciate your understanding.

Ali, Heather and Katie

Jan. 20th, 2019



Hi everyone! Please welcome our newest character: Maxwell McKinnon (Raina)!

We know things have been slow and the mods have been dealing with a bunch of RL crap so we're sorry for dropping all the balls. We'll have a post/discussion tomorrow about how to get back on track now that things are hopefully settling down.


Jan. 15th, 2019




If, god willing, I manage to get my syllabus done we are going to start working on pairings tonight. Sign up!

Jan. 14th, 2019



Shenanigans TBD.

The super blood wolf moon approaches.

So! I'm looking for a few things to help get Fenrir started off on the right foot.
1. Any Death Eaters would like to participate in shenanigans, Fenrir has reluctantly promised that they will not get eaten.
2. Any DMLE/DRMC folks would like to combat shenanigans.
3. Anyone else would be interested in signing up for werewolf shenanigans near where they live, or related to any specific NPCs, lmk! This may be first come, first serve, but fear not -- Fenrir isn't going anywhere :)

Comments are screened, or email me! If possible within the next 24 hours or so, so I can get things split up and plotted out. Thank you!

EDIT: We’re all set! Thank you!

Jan. 13th, 2019



Hi everyone! At long last we have adds again. Tonight we have three new characters: Amelia Bones (Meg), Fenrir Greyback (Megtoo), and Lydia Bones (Jillian 1). Please welcome them!

A few quick housekeeping notes:
  • Don't forget to sign up for our January battle here! The deadline is tomorrow night.
  • Thank you for your continued patience as the mod team continues to be swamped with real life crap. If you have urgent things that we've missed, don't hesitate to follow up. It should be getting better soon!

  • Jan. 11th, 2019



    Hi everyone! So we have a battle this month! On January 27th, Voldemort will be "inviting" all of the Death Eaters, members of the purist community, and anyone he thinks should be a Death Eater to what he is cheekily calling a "meet and greet" at the MILF building in Hogsmeade. The Order will find out about the event and in a twist from the usual big battles in HP, they are going to be the aggressors and attack the Death Eater shindig.

    A few quick logistical details:

    - All of the Order members will be in disguise, either glamoured to look sort of like suspected Death Eaters or wearing bad Death Eater cosplay.
    - Attendance at the meet and greet will be required ICly for all Death Eaters (although if you can't or don't want to participate, you can come up with a reason your character isn't fighting).
    - Because the meeting will have both Death Eaters and potential Death Eaters there, all the DEs will be in mask and robes.
    - Any non-DE purists or purist adjacent types who want to be there are welcome to fight or hide under a bench, whatever works.
    - If you want your character to be there but aren't sure if they'd get a invite, just ask.
    - DMLE will have the opportunity to participate in the second wave, but may end up fighting order members.
    - If you have any other logistical questions, just ask!

    For rolls, here's the scale we're using:

    1 - Bumps and bruises, but nothing that can’t be walked off
    2 - Minor Injuries that require patching by someone with basic healing skills
    3 - Moderate Injuries requiring a Healer but no overnight stay
    4 - Major Injuries requiring bedrest/Mungo’s stay
    5 - Permanent or life-threatening injury
    6 - Death

    If you want to participate, you know the drill. Fill out the survey by 11:59pm Eastern on Monday, 14 January.

    Jan. 7th, 2019



    PCAL #7, January 7-31 )

    Jan. 4th, 2019



    Just a little humor to add to your Friday all :)

    Let's Spend Far Too Much Time Thinking About How Wizards in Harry Potter Poop.

    So when did you pureblood household install toilets? Discuss!

    Jan. 2nd, 2019



    Hey all! PCal is going to be postponned until the mods are off hiatus/no longer have company (so by the end of the week). In the mean time work on your January Plot. We're excited to see what everyone comes up with to escalate the tension.

    We'll begin processing apps again on the 6th so if you want to hold a 2nd or 3rd now's the time. After the 6th 4ths will be open for those who've made full activity for 1 month with 3 characters.

    Dec. 27th, 2018



    Hello! Thank you everyone who signed up for our January plot extravaganza. Behind the cut are the pairings we've created based on your survey responses. We did the best we could to pair up people with similar plot interests and availability, but we're not perfect. If there are any major conflicts we missed, drop us a note.

    A few notes on how this is meant to go:
    • Reach out to your assigned partner asap and decide what sort of plots you're interested in exploring/what would work for your characters.
    • Kidnapping, vandalism and planting evidence will be brought up in an Order discussion. If you have other ideas for antagonizing potential Death Eaters, you can work that out with your partner.
    • If you need an excuse to put your characters in the same room to get things started, several Order members will be infiltrating Corban's NYE party (and others will be invited) so that's an opportunity. You can also set things in motion later if you want.
    • If you want to bring other people into your plot, you can as long as you clear it with your partner. (e.g. if your character would bring along their BFF for kidnapping funtimes.)
    • This is meant to be a very player-directed plot. Give us a heads up if you decide to go with kidnapping or you need the DMLE, but otherwise do what makes sense for you, when it makes sense for you.
    • HAVE FUN!!!

    Pairings )



    Hello everyone! Welcome to activity check #3. As a reminder, our activity requirements depend on the character you play. So skip to the header that applies to your character and fill out the form at the bottom. Characters added this month before the 15th need one piece of activity. For characters added after the 15th, just say hello.

    Journal entries, logs, narratives, news articles, and detailed IC/OOC posts can be used for activity. (Reminder: We don't use comment threads for activity.) There's no set length requirement, we just want to see you contributing to the game. A hiatus notice can be used for one piece of activity.

    Order Members and Death Eaters:
    🔥Two pieces of activity required

    Aurors and Ministry department/office heads:
    🔥One piece of activity required

    All other characters:
    🔥One piece of activity preferred
    🔥Alternatively provide a one to two sentence description of what your character was doing this month

    If you're struggling for any reason, please let us know how we or your fellow players can help in the "Anything Else" section or email us at thisisfinemods@gmail.com.



    Last call for this post: http://asylums.insanejournal.com/fineooc/11550.html?mode=reply

    Dec. 19th, 2018



    Hi everyone! We want to touch base with everyone about our upcoming plot for January, which is going to focus largely on the Order escalating their tactics against suspected Death Eaters, culminating in our first big battle at the end of January. Specifically, the Order is going to be venturing into vandalism, planting evidence* and kidnapping.** In terms of the overall game plot, the goal is by the start of February, the Death Eaters will be pissed off enough to focus less on trying to make Avery look good and more on destroying the Order.

    Rather than scheduling a few different events on the pcal, we thought we'd try something different with a sort of Choose Your Own Adventure plot. We're going to pair together Order members and possible Death Eaters based on the sort of plots you're interested in and let you work out the details with each other.

    The impetus for all of this is Corban's New Year's Eve party on the 31st. The Order is going to infiltrate the party and our hope is that at least some of these individual plots can be kicked off there - think stealing hair, planting tracking/listening devices or portkey traps. (If it doesn't make sense for your pairing/doesn't work for you to start things at the NYE party, you can absolutely still participate!)

    In order to make this work, we need volunteers! We need Order members who are willing to provoke Death Eaters and we need possible Death Eaters*** who are willing to be provoked.**** If you're interested, please fill out the survey below by 10pm EST on Sunday, December 23rd. Comments are screened. Thank you!

    *Having evidence planted doesn't mean you'll go to Azkaban (unless you want to?)
    **We're taking veritaserum off the table so you won't be forced to give up Death Eater secrets.
    ***Both actual Death Eaters and purists who could conceivably be suspected of being Death Eaters.
    ****Signing up for this plot means we're going to come to you about taking the opposite role in Act II when the tables are flipped!

    Dec. 15th, 2018



    PCAL #6, December 16-31 )



    Hello friends! I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend. There has been some discussion re: suspected Death Eaters and Order members and some upcoming plot based on who's suspected on the DE side in particular. Which seemed like a good opportunity to remind everyone to fill out the suspicion survey if you haven't already.

    We've consolidated the answers into a handy spreadsheet (which can also be found on the game docs page). You have the ability to edit the spreadsheet so if you want to change your character's suspicion level, go for it.

    Anyone who isn't a four is fair game for speculation of who may be a DE or Order member, but if you want to do anything more than speculate, please talk to the people involved and clear it with them!

    Dec. 9th, 2018



    Tonight we have two new characters! Flora Black (Sarah 2) & Octavius Pepper (Megtoo)

  • December 16 will be our last day of doing Adds before we take a break for the Holidays. We’ll start processing Applications again on January 6. You can still Hold and submit Apps during this time, however.
  • 4ths will be available after January 6 for those who have shown at least 1 month of consistent activity (no hiatus or summary notes) for 3 characters. Please seriously consider if a 4th is something you can handle before holding and apping one to be considerate to the people you’re plotting with. 3rds will continue to be available for those who have shown full activity for at least 1 activity check with 2 characters. And 2nd characters are open for anyone in the game.
  • December log challenge is still going. See the post here for more details!

  • Dec. 4th, 2018



    Hi all! For a variety of reasons*, Kitty has a new job! She is now an assistant at the Office of Misinformation at the DRCMC! I'm retconning it so she's been there since she left Hogwarts, so hello coworrkers & other Ministry employees!

    * It's because I kept reading ~tombraid as tom braid. :/