February 2019



December 9th, 2018



004; late saturday night

Seriously? Attacking the mobile clinic?

Death Eaters attacked the mobile clinic earlier this evening and I somehow hate everything even more now.
What dish did you get assigned to bring to Christmas dinner?



001. Maitland Rosier

It is the time of year when I appreciate a drafty room or an open window.

Thanks to the quick work of my daughter, there was no permanent damage after I was sent a cursed object that threatened not only my life but that of the other members of my family.

Death Eaters

I've been released from St. Mungo's. I've ensured that Jack Borgin has taken the decanter. I have the accompanying note still in my own possession, should anyone wish to examine it. In particular, I'd like to trace its origin so proper ... thanks ... can be issued.

Rufus Scrimgeour [added later]

I'm reporting a cursed object sent to me by owl post on 6 December that landed me in St. Mungo's. Thank you.



Just a reminder that it's still very much illegal to attack clinics/homes/anything, really*. If you have a problem with someone take it up with them in person! instead of being a coward/terrorist*.

* delete as appropriate
! preferably in a way that won't lead you to being prosecuted by the law



Isn't it a beautiful Sunday? Of course Draco and I feel terrible for the poor people who have been caught up in recent ugliness with cursed packages and whatever happened last night. Our condolences to the dead!

More importantly, Draco's six month birthday was Thursday and naturally Lucy took the day off so we could spend all day together, celebrating our darling little boy. It's amazing how much he's grown and how absolutely perfect he is. Watching him grow has been the greatest joy in my life and I am sure the next six months will be even better than the last. And he wants me to pass on his gratitude for all of the lovely presents you sent! We're both obsessed with this delightful little mirror from Rue des Sorcières that makes him look like the cutest little Christmas elf.

And to cap off Draco's birthday week celebrations, Lucy made reservations for us tomorrow night at a restuarant I'm sure none of you have actually heard of and couldn't get into even if you had. The chef's tasting menu is supposed to be to die for. I'll be sure to let you all know how wonderful it is afterwards!



Stop being stupid.

I'm coming back tomorrow. You better not have fucked with anything on my desk.

I'm watching you, Ted.

Let's burn some shit down.