February 2019



November 14th, 2018



How are you?

I chickened out on the howler. 😬 Next time!

The bean is doing belly flips this morming and I just want to look down at my stomach and say, "That's enough, child!" But they never listen 😤. Which is likely to be a preview of future events, honestly.




Hello doves. Think it's about time we call an emergency meeting. Friday at 18:00, same location as before.

In the interim, a few points:

  • We are not The Order of the Phoenix. What does this mean exactly? That it is not our job as a whole to fight, expose, or otherwise antagonise the mad-man and his dogs on the journals, in person, or via howler. We are an organisation dedicated to the continued fight against Muggleborn equal rights. YOU ARE NOT EQUAL IF YOU ARE DEAD!!!
  • Albus Dumbledore is a manipulative old prig who has nothing better to do than puppetmaster his Hogwarts alumni. Take his half-truths with a grain of salt, please.
  • I want to start seriously focusing on safehousing. I have a few properties out in Scotland that would be suitable, but I'd like for us to begin canvassing alternative locations. Pandora, could you lead the charge?
  • Time we brush up on our DADA training. I'm happy to lead a course in wandless spellcasting; but I'd like a few other volunteers to lead groups please? Otherwise, do we know any rough-and-tumble sorts we could bring in on a guest-speaker basis?
  • Anything else?

I know you're all unsettled by the increased Death Eater presence on the journals. But we have a fabulous support network in each other, and I urge you all to reach out to one another, whether it be offering a cuppa, a roof, or just a comforting shoulder. We're stronger together, and we won't let those bastards win.

    Fuck me dead, Bry. What a Tuesday.



Happy Birthday, Fabian! May this day be everything your Scorpio heart desires.

Everyone ok after last night? I thought we did a good job of responding to him anonymously.

But, back to birthdays and parties--What do we think about doing something while all the purists are busy at their ""party""? Gideon suggested erecting a neon sign somewhere, which I'm definitely interested in doing. I also thought: maybe it'd be a good day to attempt the actual break-in at the Averys, now that we know what their wards are like? Frank's working on getting the schedule, so we can see if another day would work better.

Thoughts about the break-in:
- We should definitely egg the house so it looks like a run-of-the-mill vandalism attempt, if any of the wards are tripped.
- Sirius, are you still working on a way to sedate the crups?

I still think we should also think about surveilling him and his known associates, especially if we aren't able to get in. Oh, and thanks for coming to the escape room! I hope everyone enjoyed it, or got something out of it!



Friendly Wednesday reminder: If you have evidence that someone might be a vigilante, instead of telling a highly dangerous wanted criminal, you should tell a law enforcement professional.

I have a few questions.
1. How's Aunt Augusta doing?
2. Are you going to Lucy Malfoy's party?
2a. I told Violet Crabbe that I already had a date, but I don't. Normally this would be a fairly easy situation to solve, but something tells me...that at this party where everyone will be wearing white...I won't be hard to spot.

Dumbledore and McGonagall? I'm not so sure about that. And Remus Lupin? Is he just throwing names at the wall and seeing what sticks?



What are you doing on Sunday?

[a bit after this]


are you two safe? auror robards and i were sent out to your home but no one's here. we have some questions too but my top priority is making sure you're unharmed, please respond ASAP. if you need a healer i'll get you one. if you need anything at all just tell me.



[After This]

Can someone please go check on the Lovegoods if you know them? I tried to get in contact with Pandora, but I haven't heard from her yet. I don't know what even is happening over there and I can't leave the boys.

[Ward to Pandora and Xeno]
Please let me know if you two are all right! I tried to owl and I tried to walk over, but the DMLE is all over the place! What happened??

My neighbors, the Lovegoods, were attacked by Death Eaters. I think? There's a skull symbol like thing in the sky over their home. It looks like the Mark? I don't know what happened, but I'm worried sick.