February 2019



November 12th, 2018



Birthday week final schedule. If anyone would like to join me for shopping or spa day, you’re more than welcome to. Saturday and Sunday are, of course, mandatory.

Monday: Robe fittings, shopping, dinner with the Blacks, Bellatrix & Rodolphus
Tuesday: Spa day, dinner with the Malfoys and Selwyns
Wednesday: Lucy & Draco Day
Thursday: Actual Birthday, celebrate at home
Friday: Celebrate with Narcissa
Saturday: Celebrate with the boys
Sunday: Garden Party

In honor of my Birthday Week, I’ve brought in Kouign-amann and canelé. Please help yourself. I’ve also arranged a slightly abridged schedule this week, so if you need anything from me, please be sure to let me know before Wednesday.

Team Corban
I’ll need to push back this week’s one-on-one, Corban, due to birthday obligations. However, I’ll happily pick up an extra next week.

I’d also like to arrange some incidents to happen to Shacklebolt’s neighbours, as we previously discussed. I’ll be able to devote myself to that fully after Sunday.



Timothy and I had quite the night at Augusta Longbottom's. No sooner had we entered the dwelling than four assailants apparated in to engage us in her defense. Seemingly, she had no idea who they were either given she scolded them.

We've been healed thanks to Timothy, but a word of caution: it appears some targets may be watched.



We were right to think the DEs were going to retaliate for the Montague and Sidebottom arrests eventually. Two of them showed up at my mother-in-law's tonight, and I am going to spend the next far too long hearing about how the floor will never look the same. Everyone's fine though, mostly. It could have been much worse.



Okay but if people are happy about things why light shite on fire about it? I am still picking up burned rubbish all the way in Knockturn!

[Walden, Goyle, Xavier]

Shite. Shite. Did any of you get Lucy a gift? I forgot never can come up with something perfect enough to accurately express my, you know, appreciation for our friendship and wotnot. I'm happy to pitch in!

[Team Ramrod]

Sup everyone!! I'm going to murder Xeno Lovegood before he can get his stupid award that he won't even win. Just thought that on account of us being a team and all I should say something!!!


What's your week look like? Wanna put on a freaky mask and some robes and go out?

[Warded separately to Kingsley & Frank]

HI! Would you like the honor of escorting me to Lucy Malfoy's party?!