February 2019



October 30th, 2018



I need to file a report and hand off a [...] well, I don't know if you'll consider it cursed or what, object that was placed in my belongings. It's not physically harmful, but for the last few days it's been spouting crap at me with some voice throwing charms whenever it's quiet enough where I am. It says stuff like 'Know you have already lost', 'We are watching you', 'We will destroy anyone who stands against us' along with occasionally calling me 'mudblood'.

I want it on file anyway in case others are dealing with this or something else happens, and I can only assume it's a threat that's clearly Death Eater related. I don't have any suspects, though, I'm out all the time for work in public areas so it could have happened anywhere. Can I bring this in and make a statement this morning? Is this a Hitwizard thing or an Auror thing so I know which offices to go to?



So, this morning before work, I stopped at the junk shop in Diagon Alley and picked up an old journal from like, 2013. I was thinking we could set it up to make journal network posts pseudonymously. Emmeline and I had some ideas. I’m not sure what name I should put in when I set it up, though? Surely someone has a better idea than "Ann Nonymous."

I knew it was only a matter of time, but my boss told me to remind the public.

If you’re going to sell "haunted dolls" to Muggles on eBay, don’t charm them to act haunted! It’s actually illegal to sell Muggles enchanted objects, and besides that, having a doll haunt them is pretty terrifying for the Muggles involved. Thank you!



If you're looking for a little bit of positivity this week and have a rad costume, please feel free to come by Mungo's tomorrow and volunteer to hand out candy to all the children who can't leave the hospital. It's kind of a reverse trick-or-treat since we walk around to all the rooms, but it really makes the kids day.

Also, please no grim reaper, zombie/inferi or skeleton costumes. Let's not scare the poor dears this year.



Have any of you talked to the new werewolves yet? Otherwise I'm happy to come along with one of you to discuss things with them.

What do you think of increasing Auror's or even Hits around Muggleborn businesses?

Am I being too paranoid?

Also do you want me to go talk to Fenwick and see if there's anything I can get from him?



Louise and I were thinking of taking Belle up to the Halloween festival if anyone wants to join us.

Do anyone want to learn some basic first aide?



Is everyone ready for tomorrow? I'm happy to answer any questions about the potion you may still have. I don't want anyone caught unawares tomorrow, as I must chaperone the Hallowe'en Feast here at the castle and won't be able to attend in person.
I could really use that drink tonight. Still interested in plotting world domination?