February 2019



October 22nd, 2018



Marlene, could you check in so we know you’re not splinched somewhere?

Update on Avery scouting forthcoming.

Added later: We’re all fine. We were wrapping up at Avery's place when a flyover tripped the wards and we all got covered in goo.

We have a lot of information on the house, including the wards and entrances. Actually searching the place seems like a giant job, provided we can get in. We'll be compiling all our notes now.



Proudfoot and I have just returned from the Avery estate. The only thing we were able to find was one spot outside of the fence covered in slime, indicative of someone tripping the wards. We're operating under the assumption this was an attempted break-in. The Averys were not home at the time, and have since been notified.

There was an attempted break-in at Minister Avery's. No suspects yet.



matilde runcorn oo3

Who else is enjoying this season's fashion? I can take or leave shearling, but I will be appreciating those gorgeous 70's influenced gowns once the festive season comes along.

Also Runcorn's is liaising with Blossom & Spoon to produce a limited edition and exclusive range of ice cream, which my family is very excited about.

Hello. Can I talk to you if you have a moment?



Despite my former cousin's attempt to ruin everything just like he always does, Tessa, Devona and I have put together an amazing Halloween Festival we think all of you will love. We have three days worth of events planned, each with its own theme so there's something for everyone. A full schedule will be printed in tomorrow's Prophet, but I wanted to share the highlights before Sirius tried to claim credit

29 October will be Family Day at the Pride of Portree stadium, sponsored by Nimbus. They'll have all sorts of kid friendly activities including broom races, a petting zoo and for people who care, the chance to play quidditch with the Pride of Portree. Draco got so excited when he saw the plans for the decorations! And he's going to be so precious in his costume, which Lucy and I had hand stitched by a Tunisian woman who makes the most impressive embroidery. He's definitely going to win the costume contest! But now I'm getting ahead of myself.

For the second day, we're turning Hogsmeade into a giant carnival. To get in the Halloween spirit, we'll have a haunted house and a spooky maze and whatever things people do at carnivals. Including putting your mouth on apples other people have put their mouths on if you're into that sort of thing. We're also renting out booths to (almost) anyone who wants one if you want to sell whatever little basement crafts you play with or promote your organization. I'll be there with the Magical Institute of Learning and Fun to talk about the Institute's pre-Hogwarts education curriculum! If you want to rent a booth, talk to me and as long as it isn't totally stupid we'll probably approve it.

And Halloween will be the most special night of all. Minister Avery has so graciously allowed us to use the Ministry atrium for our Halloween ball! Costumes are MANDATORY and we'll have prizes for best family costume, best historical costume, best animal [...] It's a long list and most of you don't have a chance of winning anyway. I have personally designed the menu for the night and I promise the very best nibbles and cocktails, including my very own invention that I've named The Ghost.

All activities are free to the public thanks to support from our generous sponsors including Nimbus, Pride of Portree, Dine-N-Dash, TerrorTours, the Magical Institute of Learning and Fun, the Malfoy Family, and the Ministry of Magic.



Yesterday Brenna took me out for brunch. I normally insist on paying but she's rather stubborn and so it was her treat. We went somewhere that was like a speakeasy but only took reservations over the journal network and they sent her a D.M. password ten minutes before our reservation which consisted of a conversation in Latin. I'm still not sure what we said to the lady at the Dry Cleaner but she led us back through all the robes she was laundering to a door and we went downstairs and if I wasn't an Auror I may have been concerned about being led to a possible murder. Instead it was 5 small tables and jazz music where we had Mar-tea-nis, elevated toast and something I think was a deconstructed doughnut. Then we had a beer flight with corresponding snacks. Brenna apparently goes "literally all the time."

How do these things exist?

#TEAMYAX (xavier, lucy, finn)
So let's discuss your plans for retribution. I realize I am using parchment to communicate but I have made the executive decision that carrying out his orders of vengeance > than a temper tantr revolutionizing writing. If this decision is wrong I'll take the blame.

Lucy. You wished to target the neighbors of Shacklebolt and Longbottom. Talk to me about your plan and preparations.

Finn. You wish to target someone with a direct hand in the apprehension. Who are you thinking of? How do you wish to go about it?

Xavier. Would you like to work on your own plan or assist Finn and Lucy with theirs? As a note I will be satisfied with either answer as two well enacted plans are better than three shoddy plans so this is purely your preference.

I am open and available to assist with dueling and combat in the evenings and Saturday afternoon, but I spend Sundays with Brenna so I am unavailable for anyone save the Dark Lord. Unless you're dying or about to enter Azkaban.

Otherwise, tell me about your Death Eating goals. Is there a target you'd specifically like to kill? What are your strengths you'd like to cultivate? Weaknesses you want to improve on? I am here for your edification, training and support. You'll find I am not one to randomly crucio for a less than ideal answer. But I won't put up with laziness or distracted Death Eating. You have committed to the Cause and I expect your full focus and dedication. We exist at the pleasure of the Dark Lord, and let's not forget that.

Anything else?

So, how is your new group looking?