February 2019



October 5th, 2018



Halloween costumes. They need to be 🔥

For the Halloween party ya boy managed to get to oversee food and most importantly DRINKS. Who wants to taste test different places for research??

So Bacchus didn’t get decimated 🙌 but Mary is apparently a target now. Ideas for keeping an eye on her?

Tessa MacMillan thinks I can’t be reasonable and I’m the cause of all troubles in the world so if you talk to her stress how reasonable I am please and thank you.

Ideas on how to leverage Devona Avery talking to me to its best potential without me having to sacrifice my soul.

Annnnd go.

If you were a Halloween themed cocktail what alcohol would you be?



For the record, if you have a bad run-in with a muggle seeing magic, and need to alert the Obliviators, the way to do it is not shoving them into the fireplace and sending them via Floo Network. The Santa Claus thing aside, literally all that muggles do with fireplaces involves fire that will burn/kill them, so please do your best to not traumatize them worse? And if you don't care about traumatizing muggles, please think of me, and my sad face, and the sad faces of my fellow Obliviators who have to work much harder to calm them down and fix that mess after the fact. Also, if you're going to stun them, maybe do that before they're shrieking in the fireplace and not after you've sent them to our office??????? Thanks!




It's Friday night and it's been a long week. I have a piece going to press on Sunday (check the opinion page of The Sunday Prophet!) that has kept working crazy hours and now that it's finished, I'm kicking up my feet, talking off my heels, and taking a chance to relax. And honestly, there's no better way to destress than with some candles, a bottle of sauvignon blanc, a smooth jazz record, and Madam Merriweather's Marvelous Miracle Masks. Tonight, I'm using Lucious Locks on my hair and it smells AMAZING--like a strawberry daiquiri. After just 30 minutes, I rinsed my hair, and it feels so soft I just want to keep touching it. Next week might be a nightmare, but at least my hair will look savage. Madam Merriweather helped me recover from my disastrous no poo experiment, so I'm going to be loyal to her for life.

This content was sponsored by Madam Merriweather's Marvelous Miracle Masks. This post was written by me on behalf of Merriweather's Marvelous Miracle Masks. Though product samples were provided to facilitate my writing, all opinions enclosed are mine.



Because I don't want to get cancelle it's fun, we're playing a game with the next 4 episodes of The Believers!

Each episode will contain a special hidden clue that will lead you on a scavenger hunt, which will in turn lead you to another, even bigger clue! Collect all 4 bigger clues to embark on an even BIGGER scavenger hunt that will lead you to an EXTRA SPECIAL prize! Believe me, you don't want to miss this one!

Starts with tomorrow night's episode! Happy hunting!



Tonight we set in motion part of our plan to allow the DMLE and, most important, Avery's Ministry look competent in regards to us. Two individuals were Imperiused and have been arrested in a "thwarted" attack on the Mudblood at the travel agency.

When the news breaks please by all means feel free to praise the work of the Ministry. Attempt to tie the victory to Avery over it just being a DMLE victory as well.

Naturally we will have to retaliate for such an offense, of course, so fun will continue to be had. However for now encourage the celebration of their victory.

And in case it needs to be spelled out Crabbe, Goyle, do not say a word until news breaks of the arrest.

In other news, I will be available for training purposes in regards to dueling Sunday morning for whoever would like to brush up on their skills.