February 2019



October 1st, 2018



Dear Food Thief,

Please stop.

No love,
E. G. Proudfoot

Can we skip over October and November so we can get going with the Christmas festivities yet? It's officially the last quarter of the year, anyway.




tutshill, wednesday, who's there?



Okay so my job might be frightfully boring these days, but I gotta say the travel packages are at least a little more interesting than I would be offering if I was travel agent in my hometown. Not saying muggle travel destinations aren't interesting, but how can you beat trying to sell a cruise to the Bermuda Triangle, a trip down zombie trails or an overnight stay with vampires? Then again with the current climate muggleborns might be on their own terror tour they didn't sign up for?



Slytherin 16.
Merlin's wrinkly unmentionables, I thought we had an agreement not to acknowledge SB's existence.
Starting today, Roast & Pour has an AMAZING spiced honey bee latte out for autumn and I'm probably going to get one every morning I have to be in early until it starts snowing.  ☕🐝☺️



I can't believe my dearest Draco will be four months old in four short days! He is the most delightful child and so smart! I took him to the healer for his four month check up and he said that Draco was the most advanced child he's ever seen at his age. Not that I was surprised. He's clearly going to start speaking any day now. And because Lucy and I are doing such an excellent job raising Draco, I thought I would do all of you a very generous favor and share some of our special parenting tips and tricks.

First, you want to be sure to hire the very best au pairs. Of course you can't have the best au pairs because Lucy and I scoured the world in search of the perfect nannies to take care of Draco. But you should hire the next best. You want at least one to be from another country because it's so important to expose your children to other cultures. And of course at least two nannies per child. Our children deserve the best!

Second, it's so important our children are properly stimulated! Darling Draco and I have been enjoying long walks every afternoon at my parents estate where we can escape the dirtiness of London and breathe the fresh air. Draco adores mother's flower garden although that is hardly surprising. He already has such an eye for beauty! And on those days it's too dreary to go outside, he has an entire playroom to keep him entertained. Because we love him!

Finally, there are so many dangers in the world that we need to protect our children from. Which is why Draco wears nothing but cashmere, linen and silk imported from an artisan in Peru. You don't want anything but the most natural fibers to touch your baby's delicate skin! After all, rashes make for ugly babies!

And now it's time for Draco's music lesson. Until next time!



Hi! I need some advice. I think I witnessed two men planning to attack someone, but I'm not sure.

How do you spot a death eater? Serious answers only please.

Hello, I would like to report a potential crime.



Shacklebolt & F. Longbottom.
7 am meeting tomorrow, I’ll bring the coffee. I have something I need you to look into.

A friendly reminder from the DMLE, as you’re winterizing your house have someone look at your wards. You can never be too cautious.