December 24th, 2009

[info]thegoodwife in [info]find_the_ooc

Sorry, sorry, mini-hiatus. Juggling two jobs (one of which has me on nights here and there and all over the place) and the holidays is catching up with me.

Forgive my absence/inattentiveness. I'll still be around, and ping me on AIM if you want, but I may be distracted until like, the 27th! My family goes kind of crazy at Christmas, I'm sure some of you with huge families and FAR TOO MANY TRADITIONS understand, yes yes?


-Robyn (Lucia, Jon, and Griffin)

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

panic at the ministry?

Around lunchtime today, a body fell out of one of the floo entrances to the Ministry's atrium. It was the body of David Whitaker, who you may recall was under suspicion for the break-in at the registry and who made an appearance in last night's narrative courtesy of Wolfie.

Hogsmeade residents might have noticed a group of five or so "mean and hobo-ish" people with some heavy luggage breaking into the empty Hale house. EDIT: To be more clear: this also happened around lunchtime; the "mean and hobo-ish" people are the werewolves who were just breaking into the Hale house to get access to a floo to send their Christmas present to the Ministry. They would've been gone before authorities could be called in.

[info]everydayhero in [info]find_the_ooc

Christmas at the Burrow!

It's Christmas Eve which in the Prewett/Weasley family is cause for a double celebration as it is also Gideon Prewett's birthday. (He's turning 24.)

Tonight, Arthur, Gideon and Fabian will be taking the older boys (Bill, Charlie and Percy) on the annual Christmas Eve Nargle Hunt to root out those dangerous pests lurking in the mistletoe around Ottery St. Catchpole. Close friends will have been invited to join in... Dorcas and Felicity, at very least, I think. A few others?

And I have to run to work, so other details are for the rest of the clan.