December 23rd, 2009

[info]find_the_mod in [info]find_the_ooc

Order Christmas Party

Alright guys, I know that it's up massively early, but I'm at work now (waiting for work to start) and then I'm going out with the boy for his birthday, and I wanted to go ahead and get the post up for y'all to play with and plot on and such.

Kisses. :*

[info]madangus in [info]find_the_ooc

MacDougal Family Christmas

Okay, for those of you who play MacDougals:

Traditionally, the individual families all do their own Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning. Christmas Night, everybody descends on the castle for the Big Family Get-Together. This will include some cousins and aunts and uncles who aren't presently in play, plus the odd friend or two whom family can personally vouch for - Angus is particular about who he lets in his castle, and it's understood that you don't bring anybody there whom you don't know very well and have complete confidence in their trustworthiness.

Over the next few days, the current castle residents (Angus, Nick, Morgan, sometimes-Madog, Dorcas, Lydia, and Lacey) will be doing all the massive decorating of the place - so if anybody wants to be pressured into a midnight run for hemlock branches to drape on the stairwell, feel free to log it. Peadar, you can probably expect to be one of those people who's told "You're coming with me to get mistletoe. You'll be the one going up in the tree."

Annnnnnd anything else anybody wants to throw in about Christmas traditions and anything that might be special this year, go for it! Just let us know on this post.

[info]laenott in [info]find_the_ooc

So, just so everyone knows..Laelia's birthday was on the 21st. I forgot too so it's cool.